chap. tw. five

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im not sure why i expected her to ask me to be her girlfriend during the picnic.

the thought pondered my mind as we walked into the house together. she opened the door for me and i entered the house. together, we kept walking towards the elevator and she pressed the 7th floor.

"what are you doing?" i asked her and furrowed my eyebrows and raised my hand and pressed the 2nd floor.

my floor was before hers so why'd she press the 7th floor?

before my finger touched the button, lorena stopped my hand and i looked at her in confusion.

"why are you—"

"shut up."

i glared at her and she smiled.

"just don't question it." she said and i nodded slowly.

okay, lorena.

we soon arrived at her floor and i didn't see any of her guards. i assumed that she asked for the floor to be cleared. normally there'd be roughly five guards standing at posts. lorena wiped her hand off and pressed the fingerprint monitor and she turned towards me before opening the door.

"close your eyes."

"no." i give her a weird look.

"trust me," she held my hand and gave me a nervous smile. i hesitantly closed my eyes and she pulled me gently into the room.

i felt some... stuff pooled at my feet and i shivered.

the room smelt lovely, like roses and there was another strong scent inside.

"open." she said and let my hand go.

i opened my eyes and gasped at what i saw.

oh my god.

petals of pink roses were scattered all over the floor with pink floating balloons anchored to the floor around the room, alongside with the normal ones

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petals of pink roses were scattered all over the floor with pink floating balloons anchored to the floor around the room, alongside with the normal ones. gifts were on the bed, two gift bags, one being from pandora and the other, im not sure. 

on the huge window that overlooked the outside of the mansion, balloons spelling "will you be my girlfriend?" was taped on it and my eyes watered.

i wiped the tears that fell and i felt her arms wrapped around my waist. she pecked my neck.

"what do you say princess? be my girl?" lorena uttered in my ear and i nodded.

"yes," i could hardly get the response out due to holding my tears back.

lorena turned me around in her arms and i saw a smile on her face. i leaned up and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips. she didn't hesitate to kiss me back. i wrapped an arm around her neck and let the other stay on her chest.

"mm," lorena pulled back, "i want you to see what i got you."

i nodded and she directed me towards the bed. she pushed the balloons to one side and grabbed the gift bags. she opened the one from pandora and it was a ring box. she opened it and my heart warmed.

 she opened it and my heart warmed

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it's such a beauty.

i handed her my hand and she placed it on my middle finger.

"for now, this is a ring that signifies that you're my girl. you can call it a promise ring, yeah. i know its only been 2 months and it's probably too soon for it—" i cut her off by placing my lips on hers. she smiled in the kiss and i couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

im so grateful for this, for her.

i pulled back and pecked her lips.

i could fuck her right now.

"thank you, lorena. it means a lot and it's not too soon," i sniffled, "i-i don't have anything for you–"

"shh, don't worry about giving back." lorena placed her finger on my lip, "it's okay."

i nodded and she smiled, showing me her perfect teeth.

"now the other one." lorena said and took it up. she opened it and took out three boxes on top of one another.

she opened the first box, which was slightly bigger than the others and it contained an iPhone 14 along with airpods and whatever the hell the other thing was. my eyes widened.

i know she didn't.

lorena opened the other box. inside of it were two tickets to... a movie theatre?

i looked at her in confusion.

"it's tickets to our next date." she grinned, "we're gonna watch barbie."

i smiled at her.

"when is it?"

lorena looked at the tickets.

"mm, next week thursday night, 7pm." she answered.

"i cant wait." i grinned excitedly.

"now to the last one," lorena said and took up the box. it was bigger than the phone box and it looked thin. i was praying that it wasn't a laptop or something around that matter or god help me—

"open it."

it was wrapped in wrapping paper. i used my finger and tore open the wrapping. when i was finished opening it, i realized that it was a picture frame. i turned it over and saw an image of my grandmother and i.

"lorena," my finger trailed over my grandma's face and my heart broke a little when i remember how lonely she probably is right now. i was all she had, "how-you-" i was speechless. i didn't know what to say to her, nothing more than a 'thank you '.

she smiled and placed her hand on my thigh.

"you don't need to thank me, princess. i know how much you love her and it hurts you to be here, rather than with her at home so i got you something that would remind you of her."

im so thankful for her.

"thank you, lorena." i said and looked at her, "really, thank you for this."

she hummed.

"you're welcome. im happy you liked it."

i placed the frame down on the bed and climbed on top of her. she placed her hands on my waist and looked at me. i placed my lips on hers and she kissed me back. the kiss went on for a while until she pulled back.

"let me thank you, lorena."

she raised an eyebrow.

"let me please you and show my gratitude."

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