chap. eighteen

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the kiss got heated really quickly.

i guess it's been a while.

lorena wrapped her arms around my back and i leaned in more and deepened the kiss. ive never been kissed like this before, so passionate and in need.

lorena pulled my bra and she trailed her hand down to my ass. i let it happen because i was enjoying it.

i took my shirt off and then connected back our lips. lorena took my bra off and her hands cupped my breasts. i moaned into the kiss when she pinched my nipple with her fingers and she kept doing that.

as the seconds went by, i could feel my panties dampening. i am someone who loves getting their breasts played with, it's just so...

lorena made me lay on the bed and she spread my legs and got between them. she looked down at my body and rolled her bottom lip between her teeth.

"you're so beautiful." she muttered and her eyes fell to my breasts, "they're so beautiful."

she leaned down and took my nipple between her teeth and lightly tugged on it before sucking on the bud. lorena looked up at me and i bit my lip.

she looks so sexy just suckling on my nipple, oh my goodness.

lorena switched to the other one and she flicked her tongue over my almost fully hard nipple before sucking on it. i let her do her thing, feeling my pussy becoming wetter as the time went by.

she started sucking on the flesh around my nipple, my breast, until she came up to my neck. i was moaning softly in her ear as she did so. she knows what she's doing.


lorena placed her lips on mine sloppily and i could hardly keep up with her. i was in a daze, i couldn't think straight. lorena pulled back and looked down at me. my legs wrapped around her waist, stopping her from moving and she smirked.

"you don't want me to move?" she muttered and i shook my head.

lorena hummed softly and traced her thumb over my bottom lip.

"you're so beautiful," she muttered, "so innocent and untouched. the way your body reacts to me is gold."

i blushed and she smiled at me.

"you're perfect." lorena went on, "you feel perfect underneath me."

"stop, you're gonna get me more flustered than i already am." i grumbled and she let out a melodious laugh.

"okay, okay."

i hummed and released her from my legs and she sat up.

i laid there without any top on, not caring.

lorena took her shoes off and laid beside me. she pulled me into her arms and i snuggled into her, inhaling her scent.

"you smell good." i said and she thanked me.

"what do you want for christmas?" she asked me suddenly and i pulled back from her neck and looked at her.

"what do you mean what do i want?" she rolled her eyes.

"christmas is coming up, dummy."

right, right.

"i haven't really given it much thought but ill let you know." like hell i will.

lorena nodded.

"how about you? what do you want?"

"i already have the world in the palm of my hand."

now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"be so for real. what do you want, lorena?"

"i am being for real." she pouted, "i don't want anything, princess."

i hummed.

ill find something to give her.

im just not sure what as yet.



happy new year guys!!  (im still in 2023 but by the time some of y'all see this it'll be 2024)

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