chap th. three

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marielle hollis

"hey, mama." i grinned and pecked her lips.

"hii." i greeted her back and lorena leaned down and pecked my lips once more, humming as she leaned in for more again.

i laughed and pushed her face away.

"what's up?" i asked her.

"ive been thinking of revealing us today." she told me. "you know, i hold a meeting and then i announce it and you vow to protect the mafia by all costs and whatever." lorena fanned me off and i raised my eyebrows.

"don't you think we should talk about this first?"

"what's there to talk about, baby? you can just lie. i'll put in all the work." lorena whined and i turned my body fully to her and held both of her hands in mine.

"its not a you-alone thing. its teamwork. teamwork makes the dream work and if you're the only one who's supposed to put in all the work then where will that leave you? you'll be drained and tired by the end of the day and you won't have any time for me." i circled my thumbs on the back of her hands. "all you need to do is fill me in and run me over the basics and what this will contain and what it'll require for me."

"i don't want to pressure you with anything at all." lorena told me and i chuckled.

"pressure? what even is that?" i joked and she looked at me seriously.

"im serious, bambina."

"so am i. i can handle it." i told her. (YOU DONT WANT THIS WOOD. YOU CANT HANDLE ITTTTT)

lorena nodded unconvinced and i pecked her lips.

"i'll tell you if it gets too much. now let's go. im sure your office has some interesting stuff for me to see." i jumped down from the stool and lorena held my hand.

we took the elevator to floor 7 and headed towards her office. she opened the door and we entered, closing the door after us.

"have a seat." lorena motioned for me to sit in her chair and i did as told and started to spin myself in it.

after a while she came back with a book and dropped it on the table. i looked at her with wide eyes.

donna's requirements and lineage.

"this is the book that contains the requirements of a donna. the donna is the female head ruler of the italian mafia, capo being the male head ruler. as stated, the lineage also. everything about the first donna is in this book on page 289 through 534. it tells how she ruled and how much fear she brought wherever she went, her training techniques, her trainers and so much more."

i gave her an impressed look, nodding as i did so.

"this woman happened to be my great times 6 grandmother." lorena grinned proudly.

"i have a question."

"go ahead."

"have you read all of this?"

"yes. line by line, page through page. i know what's on all 634 pages of this book."

my face fell.

"do i need to know all this?" i motioned towards the huge book.


i stared at her.

is she fucking joking right now?

she better say sike and tell me she's fooling around.

lorena suddenly laughed.

"no. im joking." her laughter died down. "i don't even know what's on the 1st page. all i can tell you is that habima loca was mentioned in the book from pages 289 to 534." (guys just pretend the name is unique. yk how those back then names were so... yk so we js gotta make it fit💀)

i let out a breath of relief.

"so you haven't read everything?" i asked.

just to be clear.

"no. the fuck i look like? einstein ain't even related to me, pretty girl."

i chuckled.

"all you need to read is the requirements, motto — sorta, pledge, that thing," lorena snapped her fingers repetitiously as she tried to remember it. she placed her other hand to her chest. "that thing." she looked at me like i was supposed to know and i raised my eyebrows. "you need to know that thing too."

i laughed.

"i'll surely look out for that thing."

lorena rolled her eyes.

"pages 55-58. requirements."


clara la san>>>

guys i honestly didn't remember what it was called. the thing where they pledge their loyalty and thing, swearing that they'll protect the mafia with their entire life or wtv. THE WORD IS IN MY MIND BUT I CAN'T SEEM TO BRING IT OUT SMH

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