chap. thirteen

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okay so js a lil note-
the cut on her foot is like a curved slice and it's deep. yk when the knife slides across your skin or smth like that but yeah—

marielle hollis


"fuck!" i cried as i tried to move towards her kitchen island. i made another hop and whimpered when the pressure was applied to my foot.

"marielle!" lorena groaned as she came back into the room, "i told you to sit."


she snarled at me and i looked away from her.

she came towards me and lifted me and placed me on her bed.

"the one time i left you, you decided to get up and hurt yourself even more. i hate being around stupid people, marielle." she snapped and my eyes started to water at her tone. "you do stupid shit and then cry out when it hurts. what do you expect to happen? huh?"

i started crying without even realizing. i wiped my eyes and lorena sighed.

"stop crying, marielle."


lorena groaned and held my shoulders. she made me look at her.

"you were being stupid and im not apologizing for calling you stupid. i apologize for raising my voice at you." lorena apologized?


"it's fine." i muttered and wiped my eyes. she let go off my shoulders.

"i'll be taking you back to the quarters now and you'll have the next three weeks off. i'll have someone look at it every two days, redress it and clean it."

"i can do it myself."

"did i ask?" i didn't respond, "exactly so shut up. someone is coming tomorrow to look at it and also in the evening. its fresh and you can't walk on it."

i still didn't respond.

lorena lifted me and i wrapped my arms around her neck and rested my head on her chest as she carried me. i could feel her breasts on my body but i didn't comment on it because what was i supposed to say? "oh, hey, lorena. i can feel your boobs on mine and it's really comfortable. i don't want to move from where i am." absolutely not.



two days have gone by and i have been coped up in the chambers. the other workers that were on their day off ate and chatted amongst each other.

"marielle," one of them called out to me. i hummed as i stared at the top of the bunk bed, "what's it like being the personal cleaner for miss gibbens?"

"what do you mean?" i asked.

"do you get shouted at?"

"ooh or do you fuck her?"

"excuse me?" i scowled at the person.

"i mean how else did you get the days off?" she giggled. i was not laughing with her.

"listen, i don't spread my legs to everybody to get a benefit from life. there's something called sick breaks and im not sure if you know what that is but i got it." i said calmly.

"are you sureee? no need to be so defensive, girl. we share everything in here." she said and fanned me off.

i glared at her and her friend nudged her.

"stop, jude. shes being honest."

'jude' smiled at her friend and shook her head.

"whores deny who they are if they're ashamed."

i sat up.

"watch your fucking mouth, jude. im not scared to punch you in your mouth." i glared.

"come on then, do it." jude edged, "oh right, you can't move. let me bring the fight to you then, whore."

thank you.

she came towards me and leaned down to my face.

"exactly. all bark, no b—"

my fist met her cheek and she stumbled back. i put pressure on my foot as i stood and punched her once more.

the other girl screamed.

"stop fucking assuming shit because you do it. note everyone is like you." i snapped at her. i ignored the pain that seared through my foot but right now, i didn't care.

i punched her once more and she fell.

"you know you love it when miss gibbens fucks you like the prostitute you are. no wonder she bought yo—"

i climbed on top of her and grabbed her hair and tugged her head to the side and delivered a blow to her throat. jude grabbed my breast and squeezed it harshly and i groaned in pain.

she coughed and my grip loosened on her hair.

she used that as an advantage and slapped me in the face.

"help! they're fighting."

i spat the blood in her face and started punching her left and right.

"she's killing her! help!"  her friend shouted, "marielle, stop."

i couldn't.

my hands won't let me.

her teeth fell from her mouth as the blood dripped down her lips and was smeared all over my fists.

"what's goi— oh, god!"

i was pulled off of jude and i managed to deliver a kick into jude's side as i was being lifted.

"what the fuck is going on in here?"


y'all know when something js chips and you can't stop? you js keep going. yeah...

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