chap fi. one

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after the ceremony, lorena and i left the stage together. some people came to meet me officially and i was kind of overwhelmed with joy. that's a good thing. people love me.

"donna," a lady smiled at me and bowed her head respectfully. "donna." she also bowed to lorena with the same smile.

she wasn't coming to me but was actually walking past. so nice of her to stop.

my grin widened when i saw laura but she didn't look happy in the slightest.

"excuse me." i told lorena and i walked out of her arm that was placed on my waist. i felt her holding my hand and she raised her eyebrows at me and i gave her a look.

"five minutes."

i rolled my eyes and walked back closer to her.

"how about a good thirty?"

"don't push it." she muttered and i smiled.

"i'll be back." i pecked her cheek and walked off towards laura.

laura looked at me and i huffed.

"when i said i'll risk it all i didn't mean- well i meant what i said but fuck me in the ass," laura gasped. "miss gibbens?"

i folded my lips to contain my smile.

"i know right."

"girl you're lucky. i'd do anything to be wrapped in her bed sheets."

i almost let out the loudest, unladylike laughing ever but controlled myself.


laura laughed.

"she's staring daggers into my soul." laura said and switched our positions and indeed, lorena was glaring at laura. i giggled and shook my head.

"don't let her get to you. she wont hurt you." i fanned her off and took up a glass of wine from the waitress's tray as she passed.

"whatever you say."

you're right. it's whatever i say.

"i'm going to mingle since you're off the charts." laura patted my shoulder. "i'd still smash though. when lorena leaves, come running to me."

i laughed and laura walked off into the crowd.

this girl.

i kept sipping on the wine as i examined the crowd. i had lost sight of lorena and i was trying hard to find her and richard or even beyonce but no luck. i felt hands on my waist and spun out of them and looked at the person. i narrowed my eyes at lorena and she pulled me back into her.

"you dont sneak up on people like that." i scowled at her and she took the wine from my hand and downed it. she waved over a waiter and they came over and she placed the glass on the tray and then they left.

i looked up at her and she leaned down and pecked my lips.


i turned in her arms and rested my back on her chest.

"have you seen beyonce?"

"she's with richard. why?"

"because she haven't come see me from night."

"wanna go find her?"

i shook my head.

"the dress is a bit tight. i can't be bothered with moving around in it a lot." i told her and turned my head to look up at her tall frame.

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