chap. tw. four

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when we got to the spot where she was taking me, i was shocked. there was a blanket on the ground with food set and there was a vase with red roses in the middle. some of the baked food i saw were croissants, bagel, donuts, fruits: bananas, apples, grapes, watermelon, strawberries, berries, oranges, sweets: skittles, m&ms, bonbons and there were so much more.

"i have a question," i turned to her and asked.

lorena hummed as she escorted me to sit on the blanket. i sat down, crossing my legs and pushing the dress between them.

"what is required of me for this date?"

it was a question that was roaming my mind ever since we entered the car. was i supposed to have sex with her after? was i supposed to eat all the food? was i supposed to laugh like im an angel? what was i supposed to do? how was i supposed to do it?

"for you to be yourself." lorena answered as she sat.

i nodded slowly.

"and how do i do that?"

she smiled at me.

"just don't put on a facade and just, you know, don't do anything that marielle wouldn't do if she isn't comfortable with it."

i nodded once more, this time a bit faster.

i can do that!

i think.

i stared at her and she stared right back at me. i looked at the food and then at her.

"why are you all the way over there?"

"why are you scared to take something up and eat?"

i narrowed my eyes at her.

"because ive never done this before." i said truthfully.

"that answered your question." she responded back and my lips parted.


"well i have been on dates before but they were all 5 star restaurants and all that money shit." lorena said.

"so why take me on a picnic if this is out of your comfort?"

"i don't see you as the type to go for money and let it matter to you." lorena responded. she wasn't wrong.

"mm, what if that is a facade and im actually about the money? what if i want a 5 star restaurant date right now? what if i was expecting it?"

lorena studied me for a while, "we could just do that if that's what you want then. It's not a big deal."

the last part sounded a bit different than the rest of the sentence and i giggled.

"im just messing with you, my love. come here," i motioned for her to come sit beside me and she got up and came around and did as i asked her to.

i cupped her face and pecked her lips.

"you're right, i don't care about money. its the least of my worries. what matters is the effort you put in." i said to her, making sure that every word is engraved in her brain, "i mean i do like a little spoiling sometimes but don't worry about that. just show the effort and you're all good. ill fall for the effort." i winked playfully and her cheeks turned a little red, "gimme kiss."

she moved her head forward and i met her halfway, our lips colliding against one another in a chaste kiss. we pulled back soon and i asked her for her phone. she unlocked it and handed it to me.

i snapped a picture of the set up and then took a quick one of her.

lorena narrowed her eyes playfully.

"i love taking memories, pictures and videos." i told her, "and because i don't have a phone, im gonna use yours."

"sure, i dont see why not."

she took up a grape and popped it in her mouth. i followed suit. (is it suit? where like they do the same thing as the other or suite?)

"20 questions." i said and lorena turned towards me fully, "you're up first."

she thought for a while, "what career do you want to pursue in the future?"

"do i really have one?"

lorena shot me a glare.

"fine, fine," i grumbled, "a marine biologist."

"why a—"

"my turn," i shook my finger, "what's your favorite color?"

"maroon red," she answered, "why do you want to become a marine biologist?"

"its not for certain but i chose that because i love the water – ocean – and animals so why not?"

"why not a vet or something on land?"

"i just said it's not for certain, baby." killing myself. why'd i say that? oh my god.

lorena smiled at that.

"your go."

"what do you wanna be?"


"occupation wise, career choice."

"i am a donna, not sure what you mean."

"if you didn't get introduced to the mafia life, what would you wanna be?"

she thought for a while.

"i haven't really given it much consideration, considering that i grew up in the mafia but maybe a therapist." lorena responded. i nodded.

"why a therapist?" she was about to stop me from asking but i glared at her.

"i like helping people, talking to them and you know," she moves her hand around and i nodded, "being a listening ear."

"what type of therapist would you want to be?"

"maybe one that helps teens, children, somewhere around the age group of te— it doesn't matter. anyone at any age can go through anything. i just want to mostly help children."

i nodded.

she has such huge goals but the mafia took that from her.

"your go, lorena."

we kept asking each other questions, learning more and more about each other. it was a really nice experience and i actually felt like i could be myself and not let anything stop me from eating as much as i wanted to.

please don't leave.


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