chap fo. six

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i spent the rest of my day in Lorena's room. i couldn't necessarily spend it all with her because she had meetings and a job to do. it was now 6 in the night and i was waiting for lorena to get back. i had prepared dinner for her and i couldn't wait for her to try it. even though she has probably eaten it many times, this would be considered my first time making it - spaghetti and meatballs.

basic, i know but it looked delicious so i wanted to try it.

i wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of the night cuddled up in bed with lorena, maybe get nasty if I'm lucky but that is if she is going to show up to the club.

i waited for another 20 minutes for her before she arrived. she smiled when she saw me and stretched her arms out towards me. i walked into her embrace and she wrapped her arms around my body whilst my arms went around her torso. i inhaled her natural scent and let my body go limp in her arms. Lorena chuckled and lifted me up in her arms. i adjusted myself so that i was comfortable and Lorena walked towards the bed with me.

she groaned softly as she laid down and put her wait down on me.

i felt the air slowly leave my lungs and i let out a breath through my mouth.

"you're killing me." i patted her shoulder.

she didn't budge but i knew she heard me.

"my love."


i sighed and relaxed underneath her. Lorena rolled off of me and onto the bed.

"what do you say about coming to a club with me?"

"yesss." i squealed. I've always wanted to go clubbing.

"good because i wasn't going to go without you."

i grinned and pecked her cheek.

"your clothes can fit me right?" Lorena hummed. "then lets go outfit picking." i sat up and dragged her up with me and towards her closet. Lorena groaned.

"why now? we have like 2, 3 hours before we can start getting ready."

"where are the sexy clothes?" i asked instead of giving her a response.

Lorena pointed towards a section of clothes and we walked towards them. i grinned and walked towards them and started picking outfits.


i had a hard time picking out outfits because they were all so good but eventually, i settled on something for the both of us.

for Lorena, i picked out a black dress that had huge holes going along the sides and then smaller holes on the hips exposing her thighs. the material was sheer so it was basically see through.

for myself, i had picked out a red bikini-like top that just covered the nipples and a black leather short shorts that stopped right underneath my ass. i had a jacket, just incase i started to feel cold or uncomfortable.

"do you have nipple covers?" i asked Lorena as i looked through her drawers.

"uhh, yeah. its in the," she stopped mid-sentence and pointed to the drawer that it was in and i opened it and skimmed through the drawer and found the star nipple covers within a few seconds. i grinned.

"you'll be needing these."

"me or you?" Lorena raised her eyebrows.

"you." i pointed at her. "your breasts are literally bigger than mine and youre about to wear a sheer material that shows your nipples." i told her and she shrugged a bit.

"you know i'll have to interact with people, right?" Lorena asked and i hummed.


"and my dress shows a lot?"

"yes, i know. i picked it out." i told her in a 'duh' tone. "if you're worried that i'll get jealous then no i won't. i will only get jealous if they're a little too close to my liking or staring too much at you or longer than needed. innocent interactions are harmless."

Lorena smiled at me.

"i love you." she told me. i love hearing those words.

"i love you, baby." i smiled at her and she walked towards me and placed her hand on my lower waist.

Lorena placed her lips on mine and i kissed her back and wrapped my arms around her neck. i placed one of my hands on her chest and Lorena deepened the kiss, pulling me closer to her which caused me to wrap my arm around her neck once more. i hummed in the kiss and she nipped my lip softly.

a tingle went down my body and through my stomach, leading down to my core.

i let the pack of nipple covers fell my fingers and combed my fingers through her beautiful, soft hair. Lorena slipped her tongue in my mouth and i moaned as she let her tongue explored my mouth,

my pussy got more drenched as we made out longer and longer.

i was itching to take her clothes off and just have her writhing in bed.

Lorena pulled back from the kiss but i pulled her back in for more. she kissed me back but soon pulled back once more, chuckling. she put some distance between us and ran a hand through her hair.

"please." i pleaded.

my hands fell from around her neck and went to my shirt. i pulled it off and she looked at my breasts and licked her lips with a smile on her face.


"hmm?" i cupped my breasts and pinched my nipples. Lorena's eyes zeroed in on the movement. her lips parted to say something but no words came out as i kept playing with my nipples.

"we-" she paused.

i removed one of my hands from my breast and brought two fingers to my lips and placed them in my mouth. i sucked on them, coating them with my saliva and then pinched my nipple with those two finger.

"we should get g-going." she stuttered and i saw her cheeks darkened and i smiled.

i just made a mafia boss stutter.



"hmm?" i moved closer to her and pressed my boobs to her chest.

lorena looked down at me and i pressed my lips together to conceal my smile.

"we probably should." and with that, i pulled away from her.


writers blockkk dude

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