chap. sixteen

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lorena gibbens

2 weeks later

i hummed as i cleaned the ratchet. it got messy a while back when i stabbed jude. getting away with calling her a whore? i think the fuck not.

she just came out of the hospital and the situation has simmered down.

it had gotten to the people that two maids were fighting over me. i mean it wasn't the first so it wasn't a surprise to anyone. that wasn't what the fight was actually about but it was what the friend surfaced and then another friend told someone else and it just went around. the news died down about it quickly and for that, i was happy. she couldn't take pressure that well and if she heard what they were saying, she would snap.

i got up from where i was seated when the door knocked and went to open it. i saw her short frame standing outside my door. she looked at me when i opened the door.

"are you busy?"

"no," i answered truthfully, "why are you walking?"

"because i have legs." she pushed past me and into my room, "mind if i push these one side?" she asks as she refers to the weapons on my bed.

"you might accidentally pull the trigger on one." i smirked at her and she gave me a look.

marielle pushed the weapons over on the bed and sat down. she grabbed one of my pillows and rested it in her lap.

"continue working." she said to me.

i closed the door and turned to look at her.

"why're you up here?"

"bored," marielle said.

i walked towards her and sat down in front of her. her eyes fell on me and then she pouted.

"i–" she hesitated and i held her hand.

"what is it, my love?"

"they're talking about me and it's getting to me. i thought that i could block it out for a while but whenever they get breaks, they find their time to come in the quarters and talk shit about me and how i fuck you, spreading my legs for you and shit." she rolled her eyes.

"that's all?" i asked her. i could read her body language and i could tell she wanted to say more.

marielle nodded and i raised an eyebrow. her cheeks turned a light shade of red.

"i missed you."

i smiled.

there we go.

"i missed you too, princess. i was going to come and get you when i was done cleaning these." i said and let my thumb caress her hand.

marielle smiled at that.

"can i help?"

"mm, i don't want you to hurt yourself."

marielle rolled her eyes at me.

"just give me the object and the instructions and ill be good." she said. i took up one of the unpolished guns and emptied the bullets.

i took up another one and did the same with that one and handed them to her. i grimaced at how she took it from me and shook my head.

"i'll get you the stuff and then you can get into it."

marielle nodded excitedly.

"when you're back, i have a question."

nodding, i went for the polisher and the cloth and went back to her. i placed it down in her lap. i gave her instructions on how to use it and then she started cleaning it.

"your question?" i reminded her.

"oh, yes," she looked at me, "who cleans your room for you while im not doing it?"

"im capable of cleaning it myself."

"yet you have me cleaning your mess everyday?"

i laughed.

"i am in a rush most mornings to get going so i just leave and you come and do your job, you know?" i answered and she scrunched her nose.

"so who does your laundry?"

"i have others doing it."

marielle nodded slowly.

"can i start working tomorrow?"

"why tomorrow? and your foot isn't even fully healed yet."

"i like working for you and yes, my foot is healing. it won't heal overnight but it's in the process of doing so. i cant just sit and wait for it to all heal. i have to exercise the foot so that the pain can go away."


"not happening." i didn't cave.

she was going to sit around and wait until it scars.

"lorena," she whined, "you get wounds all the time. you know that you can't just sit and wait for it to heal fully before you get back into action."

"i don't get wounds, babygirl. nobody scratches me."

she mimicked my words and i chuckled.

shes so adorable.

"please? they're tiring me down there."

that'd be the only reason why id cave.

"fine. but you're only cleaning for one hour. anything that's not done after that can stay."

marielle narrowed her eyes at me but thanked me nonetheless.


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