chap. tw. three

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the date was scheduled for 3p.m. and to say i was excited was an understatement! ive never been on a date before and the entire thought of it is just nerve-wracking.

are there date rules?

are there things that should be done?

specific things?

"girl, just calm down and don't panic. im sure it'll go fine," victoria rubbed my shoulder in comfort and i smiled at her as i stared at myself in the mirror.

"you look beautiful in that dress." she compliments.

im wearing a yellow dress with flowers light splatted on the dress in a diamond pattern, accompanied by a pair of yellow slippers. my hair was done by victoria, put in two spaced buns and some of the hair falling out. i think that's my go-to hairstyle now. a gold necklace laid on my chest with a flower pendant. i could still smell the body spray on my skin, my clothes, as i examined myself.

i looked different, so different.

never would i ever thought that id look this lovely going out.

never would i ever thought that id be going on a date right now.

victoria grinned at me in the mirror.

"its time to go. its 2:30 now." she said and i nodded.

we were in lorena's room, she gave us the space to get me ready whilst she got ready in a guest room. i did a small spin and giggled.

"i feel so pretty." i said.

"you are pretty." victoria chirped and i pouted as my heart warmed.

"thank you! you are, too."

she chuckled.

"come on, doll."

we left lorena's room and walked towards the elevator. we got in together and headed down to the first floor. victoria walked with me all the way until we got to the front. some of the maids that worked in our quarters saw me and started to mutter amongst themselves.

"don't mind them." she nudged me and i nodded.

when we got to the front door, i saw lorena.

my lips parted as i stared at her in awe.

shes so beautiful.

lorena is wearing a yellow dress, the shade yellow of my dress, and it was flowy just like mine. it stopped above her knees, and we wore the same slippers. we are matching, in some sort. the only thing that's missing from her dress is the flowers and decor. as always, her breasts were pushing against the fabric of the material.

i bet if she jumped right now, there'd be a recoil from her breasts.

i walked towards her in wide strides and soon i was standing in front of her.

"you're so pretty." we said in sync.

our faces broke out in a smile and she cupped my cheek, almost cupping her entire face and leaned down. she pressed her lips against mine and just then, i was realizing the lipgloss on her lips.

our lips molded against one another, the taste of her lipgloss slipping into my mouth but i didn't mind. i wrapped my arms around her neck and she kissed me deeper.

i wanted to do what we'd do in the bedroom.

jump on her waist, straddle her, run my fingers through her perfectly straight hair, kissing down her neck.

i pulled back from the kiss and i hid my face in her neck. she chuckled and placed her other hand on my waist.

"let's go, princess. i believe our car is waiting for us."

i nodded and removed my arms from around her neck and we walked towards the black mercedes that was parked in between two black jeep wranglers. the men that stood around the jeeps wore black suits and had black glasses on. lorena opened the door for me and i got in, she closed the door and went around to her side. she made a signal with her finger and the men got in the jeeps, just as she got in the car.

"they're my guards and they'll be with us while we're out. we wont see them but they'll be there." she explained and i nodded.

"okay, my love." lorena nodded and smiled.

"where are we going?" i asked.

"on a picnic!"

i am so excited.

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