chap tw. eight

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i used the back of my hand to wipe the bead of sweat that trickled down my forehead. the sun glared down at me and i sighed.

i need hydration.

oh god.

im not sure why this was taking me so long— that's a lie. the garden is really huge, so huge that i could make a house on the entire land and a huge amount of space was left.

just a few more and we're done.

"marielle?" i heard a voice called out to me.

"over here." i responded. i looked down at my hands and realized how dirty they were.


i hid my hands behind my back and smiled at lorena when i saw her. she smiled back at me and approached me, taking huge strides.

lorena placed her hand on my waist and leaned down to place her lips on mine. i kissed her back, trying to refrain from placing my hands on her. she pulled back and pecked my lips.

"hi, baby."

i blushed at the name.


"mm who put you on garden duty?" her voice hardened when she looked at me.

"uhh, monica..."

"does she really need me to go to her again?"

"my love, it's fine. im okay with what im doing." i reassured her.

"sure." she snorted. "not sure who you're fooling—"

i placed my lips on hers, making her shut up. lorena kissed me back and i pulled back from the kiss.

"shut up. you won't do anything about it." i told her and she placed her other hand on my waist and pouted down at me. "i cant just always get away with things because im your girlfriend and you can't lessen my work. that'll be unfair to the others."

"i don't care."

"well i do so shut up."

lorena rolled her eyes and i raised my eyebrows.

"excuse me?"

"what?" she muttered.

"don't roll your eyes at me. we know im making a valid point."

she didn't respond.

"let me go so that i can get back to work, baby." i told her and lorena let me go. i pecked her cheeks. "you're the best. you'll see me in like 20 minutes. i just have a few more bushes to do, rake 'em up and then turn the sprinklers on."

"make sure i see you in 20 minutes sharp. i need girlfriend time."

i laughed.

"yes ma'am."

"good girl."

come again?


my cheeks got darker and i held my head down.

lorena chuckled.

"i'll be in my room." and then she left.


i took a shower, freshening up and then headed back to lorena's room. i took the elevator to the 7th floor and then walked towards her room when the elevator stopped.

i was wearing something with easy access. a red dress that was zipped up at the front. it was thigh-length and spaghetti strapped.

i pushed open the room door, not really giving a shit about knocking.

i halted in my tracks.

sydney was still here.

"oh, bad timing?" i said nervously. "i'll just go." i slowly backed out but lorena called out to me.

"hey, weren't you the girl who cleaned the room this mor— oh it's her." sydney turned to lorena. "she's the girl you're seeing. you don't just have your maids coming to see you after work." sydney looked back at me. "i expected... more."

"and what is that supposed to mean?" i raised my eyebrows, halting in my steps.

lorena got up and walked to me.

"you're a maid and then im me. lorena picked you over me. i could give you so much more than what she's giving you." sydney said and lorena stood in front of me, blocking my vision from her, as i glared at her.

she placed her hands on my shoulders.

"look at me." i looked at lorena and she cupped my cheek. "i'll come and get you, yeah?"

"no." i pulled myself away from her hand. "you said you wanted to see me and now im here and you're sending me out instead of her." i pointed my fingers at sydney.


"no, lorena. its okay. i get it."

i left the room and headed back towards the elevator.


maybe she'll take her hand in marriage.

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