chap fo. nine

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afterwards, Lorena and i relaxed on the couch together.

i pecked her forehead and then got up.

"i say we should go downstairs." i stretched and let out a soft groan.

"what for?"


"we don't need to interact with anyone."

"you do."

"says who?"



"you wont just get the money by sitting in the vip lounge."

"yes i will."

"no, you wont so lets go."

Lorena groaned.

"fix your dress." i told her and she twisted it straight on her body. i walked towards her and ran my hand through her hair, fixing it and smiled at her.

"you're so pretty." (somebody remind me what color Lorena's eyes are HELP)

Lorena smiled and pecked my lips, thanking me and returning the compliment. we left the vip lounge and headed downstairs towards the bar.

not even a good minute out of the secluded area and someone came up to us.

"miss gibbens!" the man exclaimed. "i'm so happy to see you. i was going to come and see you earlier but i realized that the curtain was drawn so i decided to give you some time but now you're here, welcome to club vixen!"

lorena nodded and placed her arm around my waist.

"thank you, vincent. its my pleasure to be here."

vincent nodded and then his eyes moved towards me.

"i see you have a +1. who is she, if i may ask?"

lorena looked down at me and i looked at her and raised my eyebrows.

"she's my lady." lorena said as she looked away from me and back towards vincent.

"does that mean she'll be your donna?"


vincent stuck his hand out towards me.

"nice to meet you."

i shook his hand with a smile.


vincent nodded and he bidded us goodbye.

i pulled lorena down.

"i just realized how unprofessional you look."

she burst out laughing and we kept walking towards the bra.

"there isn't a dress code for a mafia boss, just one rule - wear what you're comfortable in."

i rolled my eyes at her.

"plus why would i be coming to a club dressed in a suit or someting?" lorena asked as she sat down on the bar stool.

"it didn't have to be a suit but maybe something more covering. this leaves nothing to the imagination." i told her and lorena leaned closely to me so that i could hear her over the music.

"and whats in your imagination?" i smacked her on her thigh.

i swear she's hornier than a dog in heat.

do dogs even go in heat?


"we're here for 2 drinks and then we go. i want to get out of here." i told her and she tilted her head and looked at me.

"we can leave now if you want to."

i glared at her and she held her hands up slightly in surrender.

she waved over the bartender and he came over.

"two long island iced tea." she ordered and he nodded.

i saw his eyes went down to her chest for a split second before he started to prepare our drinks. within a minute, the glasses were placed in front of us on the counter.

lorena thanked him and she examined the beverage before handing it to me and i took a sip.


this is good.

a man came and sat down beside lorena, pulling his stool closely towards her.

'treat me like white tees'

'dont get me dirty'

'love on, love on me'

'when we in the v'

'jump on, jump on me'

'fuck on, fuck on me'


i fucking love this song.

the man started to talk to lorena and i didn't listen to them because why should i?

i bopped my head to the song as i examined the crowd.

people were grinding on people, smoking, making out in corners and doing what they felt like.

'i bet you wanna come with me'

'i bet you wanna cum on me'

'i got you feeling so funny'

'feeling, feeling free'

'throw it all on me'

i love summer walker so much its not even funny at this point.

its an addiction.

"get the fuck away from me." lorena snapped and that caught my attention.

i looked towards them and the man held his hands up.

"all im saying is that you got some nice boobs and i'd love to slide my dick betw-"

lorena punched him in the face and i gasped.

those nearby gasped and moved away from the scene. the man's nose started bleeding.

"you bitch!" he tried to hit lorena back but she handled it.

let's say this man ended up with more than a broken nose.


i don't understand people, honestly. js cz somebody don't want you, you finna bodyshame them and call them ugly when u was all up on this shi? bsfrrrr. i expected that from a male but a girl?😮 lesbians make me lose faith in them EVERYDAY

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