chap th. four

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"okay so i'm ready for this." i shrugged my shoulder and blew a raspberry. "yeah, ready." i let out a breath and lorena looked up at me from her paper work.

"stop stressing."

"how can i not?"

"they'll love you."

"my love, we both know they won't. im a maid with no form of mafia background."

"blah, blah, blah." lorena moved her hand in a talking motion. "it's okay, princess. i promise you."

i nodded.

"we'll do it tomorrow. let's just use today as a day off from all of this and then tomorrow, we announce your position and then we go from there."

"what happens then?" i asked her.

"you have your crowning, basically like a ball where you get crowned and you say your oath and vows and then you are officially my donna and the donna of the mafia." lorena smiled at me and i smiled back at her.

she's so charming and everything someone could ever ask for.

i don't know how someone could fumble lorena.

"what if—"

"what if nothing. don't jinx it and don't think on it too much. the harder you think on it, the more you'll overthink it and get anxious." lorena advised.

i pouted and walked around her desk. she pushed her chair back a bit and i climbed into her lap, straddling her.

"i love you."

lorena gave me one of her charming smiles.

"i love you too."

oh i couldn't be happier.


"so, guys." i clasped my hands together and they all looked at me. "as miss gibbens personal... assistant-slash-cleaner i spoke to her about the entire break thing where we could go out and have the day to ourselves. she agreed and said that we could but it'll have to be scheduled. like for example, group a would consist of 5 people and group a goes out today and then group b, 5 people, go out two days after or so. there'll also be security and guards with us but they won't be close and obvious. they'll be behind. they're not there to be our babysitters but to make sure that we are safe and none of us tries to escape. a simple mistake can fuck the entire situation up and then this will all be gone from us. so please be careful, guys."

they all smiled and cheered, muttering amongst themselves.

the cheers and chattering continued and i smiled at the joy on people's faces. victoria and meridith smiled at me as they approached me.

"i cant believe she really let us out." meridith did a little squeal-dance.

i nodded, agreeing with her.

"i hope no one fucks us over so that this will be taken from us. i really need it. i cant just be cooped up cleaning all the days of my life." victoria groaned dramatically.

"i know, right."

"girl, hush. you've been here for a few months and you haven't even done the most of it. you got the easy pass." victoria laughed and smacked my shoulder playfully.

i chuckled hesitantly and looked away from my friend.

that really says a lot.

"you know, we should find iris and celebrate with some drugs!" meridith said and i looked at her like she was crazy.

"ooh, i agree. drugs!" victoria joined in. what?! "ive never done drugs before."

are these people nuts?

seems like they're already on drugs.

"guys, im not so sure about this."

"ugh, come on, mar." victoria held my hand and pulled me towards the back door of the maid quarters. "you've never done this before. try it out."

"we can get in trouble if we get caught."

"iris has never gotten caught before so why would we get caught now?" meridith laughed and we stepped outside.

victoria still pulled me all the way behind her and i tugged my arm from her grasp.

"marielle, stop acting like that." victoria groaned. "out of all of us, you are the one who most likely will not get in any trouble because of your special title. live a-fucking-little."

oh, victoria. oh.

"i don't want to." i mumbled.

"fine. be a pussy and stay out of it." victoria fanned me off and held meridith's hand and walked off with her.

a few steps away, she looked over her shoulder and spoke up.

"we're done, marielle. i can't be friends with someone who pussies out at the thought of trying new things."

i thought we were cool.

where'd all that go?

the nice victoria?

what'd i do?

they kept walking and i felt my eyes watered with each step that they took away from me.

"wait!" i called out to them. "i-i'll do it."

i had to.

they were my only friends.

the only ones who i could talk to.



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