chap th. nine

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marielle hollis
the next day


i haven't had an ounce of sleep because every minute i'd wake up. it wasn't a nightmare. i'd just be falling and then when im about to hit the ground, i wake up.

i rubbed my temples as i sighed in frustration once more.

im so tired.

i have been surviving off of coffee.

i looked down at the tray that contained my breakfast - an egg sandwich and two strips of bacon siding it, following a steaming cup of coffee.

"good morning, marielle." laura said as she entered the kitchen.

i gave her the biggest smile i could muster.

"you looked like you haven't slept in days." she commented on my state as she sat down beside me, taking up a tray of her own.

"that's because i haven't." i laughed.

"and why not?"

i shrugged.


"sad." she teased.

i rolled my eyes at her playfully.

"so when am i going to meet this girlfriend of yours? i need to meet my competition."

i laughed again and she chuckled.

"you surely like to laugh, hmm?"

"yes. i can't just sit seriously." i said.

laura looked down at my plate and then back at my face.

"eat up." she nodded her head towards me.

"i don't see why i need to." i shrugged. "i can just drink this coffee and be full for the entire day."

"i didn't ask. now eat something." laura said seriously.

"i don't want to." i whined. "i don't feel hungry."

"you didn't eat anything yesterday or the day before that." laura said and bit into the egg sandwich. she finished chewing before speaking up again. "please? have a bite, at least. its pretty good. you know how well aliyah cooks."


laura pulled her stool closer to me and pulled my tray closer to her. she took up the bacon strip and held it at my mouth.

"say ahh."

i give her a look.

laura raised her eyebrows.

"ahh." i grumbled.

"you're supposed to open your mouth." she laughed.

"fine." i parted my lips and she placed a piece of the bacon in my mouth. i bit it off and she removed the bacon and i chewed it. the taste of the bacon hit my taste buds and i swallowed.

oh, food.

how I've missed you.

laura made me bite the bacon again and she fed me until the entire strip was finished.


i nodded and she took up the tea cup and placed it at my lips. i sipped on the coffee and she removed the cup from my lips.

"nice, yeah?"

i nodded.

laura smiled at me and she wiped the excess liquid from the corner of my lips.

"now eat up." laura placed my cup down and clasped her hands together. i narrowed my eyes at her.

laura laughed and i shook my head at her behavior and pulled my tray back to me and started eating my breakfast.

thanks, laura.


y'all prepared for ts?

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