chapter tw. seven

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so because this chapter is like, 3½ months later, lemme give y'all a rundown. sydney is the girl that wants to be wedded to lorena because her father is pressuring her. victoria, meredith and iris are friends. monica is the head maid and beyonce is the girl that lorena fucked before she started seeing marielle. lorena and marielle started dating and yeah!

- the next day -

sydney started showing up more than usual and it was annoying me. 

why was she in lorena's room at 9 in the morning?

when i came to clean, i was surprised to see her in lorena's bed texting on her phone. she was clothed and the room didn't reek sex so thank god. even though lorena said she stays loyal in the talking stage, i don't trust sydney. 

she screams danger.

i cleaned the mini kitchen as usual and then started to clean around in the room, ignoring sydney's presence.

i didn't see lorena and it only made me wonder where she was.

i know she has work but we have decided that i'll see her every morning before she attends to her mafia duties. 

i couldn't spread lorena's bed and it annoyed me because sydney isn't supposed to be here.

i left the room and richard was walking down the hall. i rushed towards him.

 "good morning, richard." i greeted lorena's personal guard. 

 "good morning, ma'am." he smiled at me.

 " have you seen lorena? "

 "she's training the new recruits on the field." he informed me and i thanked him.

 "thank you." i give him a thumbs up and rushed towards the elevator.

i got to the first floor and hummed as i headed towards the kitchen.

 i looked to see if i saw victoria because she was on kitchen duty today. i didn't see her and i asked meridith for her.

 "she's serving that guard that she always serves. aiden i think."

 "thank you. "

 it's either she's taking my advice or she's just doing the usual. 

i wanted to go see lorena but if our relationship is going to stay a secret then i can't always be seen with her.

monica entered the kitchen.

 "has anyone seen ho—" her eyes fell on me. "there you are. come with me."

oh god. what's her deal now?

i went with her and monica led me to the garden. she stopped and turned to me.

 "i know you're seeing lorena." she started. "you have what i've always wanted and to be honest, i envy you." 

 oh this is new.

monica kept talking.

 "i won't be nicer to you because of it because im supposed to uphold this tough reputation. can't be seen acting soft ." she chuckled a bit and i didn't laugh. 

 "what do you want?" i asked her.

 "oh, nothing. im just telling you to dig the grass from around the roots of the plants. they need some fertilizing and watering. when you're done, just turn the pipe on and the sprinklers come on."

 with that, monica walked away and i sighed. 

i really thought we were getting some where but i guess not.

i needed to see my girl because i miss her but i guess she can wait. 

i know, short chapter but it's not that bad. as a comeback, i present to you a filler chapter. it wasn't much but i want to finish this book. i re-read it and i realize that it has potential and a good plot so let's go. 

im not 100% sure if the updates are gonna be everyday but we'll see. they won't be like one every week though. atleast three chapters every week or sumn or a chapter daily. as i said, im not sure as yet.

stay tuned <3

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