chap. six

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i finished cleaning her room within the span of two hours and that included the mini kitchen and just her bedroom.

oh my days! her room was huge.

there were parts to get!

i wiped my forehead as i head into the bathroom.

it was clean, thankfully.

i still went ahead and checked for towels or anything that needed to be put in the laundry.


i head to her office.

clean, too.

i emptied the trash and then exited.

once more, i ignored richard, the guard, and head into the room where i left the previous trash. i took everything up and placed them in the hall and then went back inside and put back the broom and scoop to where they were.

i did a once over with the air freshener and then told richard i was done. he nodded and turned and closed the door.

i head out to throw the trash away and then looked at the clock afterwards.

it was 10 in the morning.

still more time to do stuff.

is this how early im gonna finish everyday?

wouldn't that mean i get less chores than everybody else to do?

and i would have free time?

oh my days.

the thought excited me but the happiness didn't linger for long when i saw monica. she saw me and scoffed.

"where have you been?"


"cleaning where?"

"the place ive been assigned to. aren't you supposed to know, monica?" i asked her and folded my arms.

she glared at me.

"you watch it, girl. i won't hesitate to throw you to the dogs."

"woof, woof." i imitated.

monica reached out to grab me but i stepped back, letting her trip over her own feet.

"you don't get to push me around, not because you're the head maid or whatever. you feel you have more power than all the rest of us because you're the head. well guess what, you don't. you're still a maid and will always be a maid. if you had any bone of importance, you would've already moved up." i pointed at her and her face fell.

i walked past her, making sure not to brush my shoulders against hers. i wasn't trying to be her enemy or anyone's, as a matter of fact. i just don't allow people to push me around and get away with it.

i knew how to stand up for myself, at the right time and place. i won't stand and let someone boss me around like im some sort of dog. despite where i am now, in the mafia, fairness still exists to me. people just choose to abuse their power that they have over someone.

i headed to the kitchen and i saw victoria.

she smiles and waved me over.

i walked over to her and she shoved a plate with breakfast in my hand.


i looked down on the plate and there were two egg omelettes on the plate and a cup of coffee was placed in my hand too.

"we have work to do. donna is having a ball in the next two weeks and we're all assigned jobs to do. we have to start preparing from today just so that we're well prepared when it comes." meridith says and i took in everything she said and nodded.

i sat down around the island along with some other maids too and started eating.

man, i love food.

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