chap. five

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i read over the same paper numerous times trying to memorize it. it didn't take me long but i was still going to bring it with me whenever i went to clean her quarters.

all i had to do was spread the bed, wash the dishes, clean the bathroom, her office, take out the trash and just the basics. easy one, two, three.

the next day, work officially begins.

i was gonna be a superstar.


nobody knows what job i got but they all knew i got something because i left earlier than usual. i head to the 7th floor and walked to the 5th door in the hall.

i knocked on the door and it opened 10 seconds later — not that i was counting. miss gibbens opened the door and stepped to the side and let me enter. she was already dressed in her day's outfit, looking scrumptious as usual.

today, she's wearing a dark blue dress with a drooped neckline and the back was bare. there was a split in the side that came up to her mid thigh and holy shit.

i could see the black thigh holster that was on her thigh and two knives and a pepper spray was visible.

"good morning, miss hollis." she greeted me warmly and i smiled a bit.

"good morning, miss gibbens."

"did you eat before you got here?"

i shook my head.

"why not?"

"i can't eat this early. im not accustomed to doing so, ma'am." i explained to her and she looked at me and then her eyes scanned over me.

i felt almost... self-conscious under her gaze.

"what time do you normally eat?"

"around 12pm, ma'am." being respectful is the way how im going to make it out of here.

miss gibbens didn't respond as she ran her hands down the side of her dress.

"how do i look?"


my eyes ran over her once more like i wasn't doing it before and then i looked at her eyes.

"you look wonderful," i made sure to keep my tone respectful and soft. miss gibbens smiled, "but, uh."

i wasn't sure if i should say it.

should i?


i swallowed harshly.

"maybe you should fix the thigh holster. it shows the... stuff." miss gibbens — lorena — looks down. miss gibbens makes her sound old. she fixed it so that the back was showing and i give her a thumbs up, "there we go and make pull it up under the dress so it doesnt really show. have the element of surprise at hand." she did as i told her to and tightened it so it doesn't slips down and i looked away, trying not to stare at her perfect legs.

"mm, thank you, marielle. im not sure how i didn't think of that before." she tsked, "silly me."

i blushed when she said my name and tried not to look at her even more. i could feel her eyes burning holes in the side of my face as i used my hair to hide my red hot face.

holy fuck.

"y-you're welcome, ma'am."

lorena hummed and i felt her presence leave mine as she walked towards her bed. she took up something and then headed towards me.

"when you're done, my guard will be at the door to lock up after you leave. understood?"

i nodded, not giving her a response.

"verbal responses, marielle." lorena said strictly and my heart skipped a beat.

for some reason, that was really sexy.

the way her voice got stern when she spoke made something in me flutter.

it's the lesbian in you talking, shush.

"understood, ma'am. my apologies," i said softly, still not looking at her.

she walked closer to me and i saw her dark blue heels in front of my eyes and then she spoke up,

"look at me."

my head tilted up and i stared into her eyes.

she's so tall.

the heels just give her extra inches.

"now answer me. understood?" her voice was dangerously lowly and i could tell i was testing her.

"i understand."

"good girl." she muttered and i rolled my bottom lip in between my teeth. the things those two words do to me.

i, for one, love being praised.

im doing a good job, tell me im doing a good job.

im making you proud, tell me how proud im making you.

lorena raised her hand and she brought her thumb to my bottom lip and removed it from between my teeth.

"i advise you not to do that. you might bruise it."

i nodded and she narrowed her eyes at me.

"i'll let that one slide. just this once." she said and i felt my lips rolling upwards slightly, "now i have to go. time is running against me." she stepped back and looked at her wrist, "don't disappoint me. it's your first day as my cleaner. i want this place clean and shining when i get back."

weren't we just having a moment?

now im back to her slave?

stop being delusional, you lesbian.

"yes, ma'am. i won't disappoint."


my bad for not updating. i tend to forget a lot ;)

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