chap. eight

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miss gibbens raised her eyebrow at me.

"sorry, sorry. i beg your pardon, ma'am?"

"my personal server," she repeated.

"why me out of all the other experienced maids?" i asked in confusion. i just started working here and she chose me out of 100? hmm...

"you get down to business. some of them are too scared to approach me, some want to get me in bed and some hate me because of who i am." she said and i looked at her with furrowed brows.

"so if they hate you then why don't they leave?"


i nodded slowly in understanding as i caught on to the concept.

"im giving you until 3 today to think about it. i'll request your presence through monica in the dining room at that time." lorena said and i nodded, doing a slight bow of respect, "i really hope you accept, marielle."

i turned and headed on my way out of the suite. it was like two and a half of my old room combined together in size. her room was really huge. there was a walk-in closet, a bathroom of course, a personal kitchen and furniture. her office door is connected to her room and then there's also a laundry room. not anything too big but it was separate from the bathroom.

i head downstairs along with the other workers and meridith waved me over. i skipped over to her and she shoved her plate towards me.

"take some."

i took out some of her fries and took up a piece of her chicken.

"mm, whoever fried these are an angel. they're blessed with the golden touch." meridith giggled.

"did you forget i work in the kitchen, marielle?"

i nodded as i devoured the crispy fried chicken.

"absolutely. this is good, meridith."

she grinned at me as she looked at me dealing with the chicken like a starved child.

"thank you," she said with a wide smile, "you can have mine if you'd like. seems like you're enjoying it."

i took the plate and gave her a thumbs up in appreciation. i dipped the chicken in the sauce and bite into it and oh my god.

"i can cook and fry chicken and do whatever but not this good."

"it's all in seasoning."

i hummed and i tuned in to the conversation.

"who do you think will attend the ball?" one asked.

"hmm, most likely every mafia and gang out there." another said.

"i wonder if mr. jones will be there." one of the other girls said dreamily.

"i doubt he will. he has a wife now, julisha." one of the males said.

"i also wonder if robert is gonna be there. him and miss gibbens have been enemies for the longest while now. im not sure if they've restored the alliance." one of the ladies who im not familiar said.

oh so they're enemies.

no wonder the little fuse between them happened at the auction.

i kept eating the chicken until it was done, the workers filling themselves in on the latest drama and stuff.

"so, marielle," the attention was diverted to me, "where are you from?"

"new lindsay drive." i answered.

the lady hummed.

"we're all from auctions in case you're wondering." she said, "im hannah. it's nice to meet you."

i smiled at hannah and shook her hand that she held out.

she already knew my name so it made no sense to tell her again.

"i hope you enjoy your time here, despite how things may seem. it gets better." hannah said and i shrugged a bit.

"so far, it's not bad." i said truthfully.

"that's because there hasn't really been any treason or anyone breaching."

i nodded.

"so i think you should be prepared for the instruments and stuff to be delivered tomorrow, decors and other stuff. there'll be a lot of trucks and stuff so tomorrow will be a busy day. then the ball, itll even be a busier night. you'll have to work the entire night, refilling and walking around to greet guests and going back and doing the same thing. they may even be perverted and try to touch on you, even with their wives or spouse is in eyeshot. they just don't care. beware, sweetie. you seem like a nice girl," hannah said and i nodded gratefully for the warning beforehand.

"i keep that in mind."

if i take up to be her personal server, that won't happen, right?




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