chap tw. nine

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"what was i thinking? im so stupid." i mumbled. "the girl is perfect and then look me. she has perfect, natural ginger hair that's to die for her and she has a lot of freckles. her eyes are so pretty and she has big boobs, big natural boobs, a slim waist and a perfect body. she's everything im not. she's the better version of me. she's more associated with the mafia than i am. what if she does pick her, victoria? where will i stand and what will i do?" i bit into that apple angrily and looked at my best friend who listened keenly.

"hey, girls." a female— beyonce said as she entered the kitchen. she looked at victoria then at me.

"am i interrupting?"

i shook my head 'no' while victoria shook hers 'yes'.

"i see. well in that case, ill come back later on." beyonce said and i swallowed the chewed pieces of apple.

"what did you... want?" i asked her. i was hesitant to speak up.

"oh i actually wanted to talk to you." she responded. "alone." her eyes shifted towards victoria and i looked at her.

"its okay, go. we'll catch up later on."

"okay, love." i pecked her cheeks and i left with beyonce.

beyonce and i headed outside and in the direction of the training grounds.

"soo?" i drawled out and she looked at me.

"lorena," she started, "told me what happened."

i hummed.

"she said that—"

"if she has something to say then she can say it to me herself and not through someone." i cut her off. i didn't want to hear it from someone else, just her.


"nope. lorena's mouth."

beyonce sighed.

"fine." she mumbled.

we kept walking until we were on the training grounds.

"i was also told to teach you how to fight, so." she threw a playful punch towards me and i stepped back before it could hit me.


she nodded.

"i cannot fight. what is she thinking?" i groaned and stomped my feet like a child.

"that's why im going to train you."

i huffed and we walked towards a clear space that wasn't being used.

beyonce looked at me.

"let me see your stance."

"what stance?"

beyonce got in the stance she wants me to show her and i tried to attempt it. she stared at me like i had two heads.

"you really don't know how to fight."

"nope. i just throw punches when i see red – oh redddd." i sang. beyonce looked at me unimpressed.

"are you done?"

i grinned.

"so first thing is first, bad leg at the front and the good leg at the back." i did as told. "form firsts with both hands. the same hand for each feet is used. the hand that's with your bad leg, in front of you and raise it in front of your chin. this is the hand that protects your face. your feet should be shoulder length apart."

beyonce watched me as i did as she was instructing me.

"good. now put the other hand in front of your breast, pointing that fist straight." she nodded in an impressed manner. "turn your body to the side towards your good leg at 45 degrees."

"how much is 45 degrees?" i asked and she placed her hand on my waist and turned me.

she gave me a smile and i smiled back at her also.

"good. thats your stance now guard up."


"harden up."

i looked at her dumbfounded.

beyonce rolled her eyes and showed me what she meant.


i did as she told me.

"i know you punch like a motherfucker so dont disappoint, hollis." beyonce nudged me. "training's at 2pm to 7 pm."

"what the fuck?"

"yes." she smiled at me. "i look forward to it."


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