chap. fi. three

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3 months later


time flew by quickly and soon, lorena and i were getting married-


i wish.

i love that girl so much its insane.

things have been going amazing.

everyone was accepting towards me being their donna and it wasn't as bad as i thought it was. im still in training for being a good donna. training is supposed to finish next week but i was so ready to be done.

majority of this lesson was basic stuff, dinner etiquette, posture, walk and all the stupid things of how "perfect" society wants a woman to be.

training with beyonce has been good too. i finished training yesterday and my joints are very happy because dudeeee- training every two days and then donna training everyday was not doing me any justice.

i sighed as i flopped on the gym mat.

for today, i had finished the training that i had for five hours straight with no breaks. i wanted to go see lorena but i was just so tired. my water was finished and i couldn't bother to get a refill. i rolled over on my side and groaned softly.

i rolled my shoulders back, cracking my muscles and then got up and bounced on my toes.

"you can do this!"

do what?

get water?


im such a funny individual.

i walked towards the huge bottle of water and fill my water bottle with water and then took a huge gulp after it was filled. afterwards, i headed to see lorena who'll most likely be in her office.

i swear she loves that room more than me.

i opened her office door upon arriving and lorena looked up at me.

"im so happy you're here. i need a distraction." she groaned and i shook my head at her.

"one, im sweaty two, im tired."

"i dont want to fuck you."

"you make it sounded like that."

lorena gives me a look and i stick my tongue out at her.

"what are you doing?" i asked her as i went around her table and behind her chair to stand behind her.

"you know the hotel that i've had in store to be built, there's a little complication with the four main builders. ive been trying to get in contact with them for the last few hours but nothing. the other workers haven't heard anything from them."

"so why not get four other people to replace them?" i asked her.

lorena grimaced and started to explain the situation, telling me that it isn't easy to find someone in the field of work that they're in and blah, blah, blah.

"shh." i shushed her. "lemme take your mind off stuff."

lorena raised her eyebrows and i smacked her shoulder.

"not sex, dummy. im taking you out for dinner."

"are you taking me out if im still paying though?" she teased.

i gave her a look.

"i have my own money, lorena."

she turned her chair around and placed her hand on my waist.

"i love you." lorena uttered and looked up at me. i placed my hands on her shoulders and smiled.

"you're a pain in the ass."

"say it back."

i laughed, "i love you, dummy."


so tired of this book, might js limit this to two chapters left

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