chap. tw. one

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lorena gibbens


our heads snapped over to marielle when we heard her spit out the water. my eyebrows raised in surprise.

"excuse me," she looked embarrassed as she scurried off.

i turned to sydney.

"what do you mean you want to marry me, sydney?" i asked her and leaned forward, "i told you that we wouldn't work out and we can't and won't."

sydney sighed, "just hear me out, lorena."

i motioned for her to continue.

"papa won't get off my back about marrying someone with great power so that he can turn his mafia over to me and that it'd be in good hands. you're one of the three people who i know that are single and are of great power." sydney explained.

i took her hands in mine and looked her in the eyes.

"as much as i would love to help you out, just to get your father off your back, i can't, sydney. im kind of into someone right now and we're talking and all."

sydney's eyes watered and i moved my chair closer to hers. our faces weren't far apart and our distance could be closed by just two squints closer.

"i cant. you're my good friend but it won't work, syd. we tried once already and it didn't end well." i said softly.

"what if," she sighed and a tear fell from her eye, "what if i get rid of this woman of yours that you're seeing? will it make you come to terms with marrying me?"

i let go of one of her hands and wiped her eyes.

"youre not hearing me, syd. im serious about this one. she seems right." i said and she sniffled.

"but what about us?"

"no, syd."

"but you said—"

"that was in the past and i should've never promised that i would wait for you and that you'd be my wife." i shook my head. i hate going against my word.

"okay." she whispered and held her head down.

"maybe try the other two and see?" i said in hopes that she'll cheer up slightly.

"yeah." she muttered, "i will."

"good. maybe they'll say yes. you don't know."


the dinner ended and i wanted to see marielle before going down to bed. i headed down to the quarters in which she stayed and knocked on the closed door.

the door opened and holiday bowed her head in respect.

"donna," she cleared her throat and opened the door wider, stepping to the side.

i heard sniffling in the room as my eyes scanned it over. my eyes soon spotted marielle but my eyebrows furrowed in confusion when i realized that it was her crying.

i looked at her friend victoria and she avoided eye contact with me.

"victoria, may i have a moment of your time?"

i stepped out of the room and waited for her in the hallway. she exited the room soon and curtsied.

"what's wrong with marielle?"

victoria hesitated.

"i can't say." she said slowly. she knows but she doesn't want to talk. i could've easily gotten this piece of information.

"why can't you say?"

"she told me not to say anything to you." victoria said and i looked at her in thought.

"you're dismissed." i said, "tell her to come here."

victoria nodded, "yes, donna." and then headed back into her quarters.

a few minutes later and nothing.

the door opened and victoria peaked her head through and shook her head. i sighed and left and headed back to my room.

i had a feeling that she was upset because of sydney announcing that she wants to wed me but was that just it? clearly that's not worth getting angry over. i didn't say i was gonna marry her and i never led sydney on so im not sure what the problem is.

talk to me, marielle.

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