chap. seventeen

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marielle gibbens
the other day


"oh, look it's the boss's slut." monica said and i rolled my eyes.

i tied the laces of my shoes and took up the apron and head towards the door.

"leave her alone, miss monica." victoria said and took my hand, "you're just angry that you can't have your way with miss gibbens like you want to."

monica grabbed her and squeezed her arm tightly. i moved back in surprise.

"shut it, girl. i can do what i want but you little lowlives keeps getting in my way," she snapped, "especially you, you son of a bitch." she turned to me. she leta go off of victoria and victoria scurried out of her way.

i wasn't scared of monica.

she can't do shit to me.

monica moved towards me with deadly eyes and she pointed her finger at me.

"if you don't get the fuck away from lorena, ill kill you in your sleep and make it look like an accident, marielle. you're no one, you're nothing. ever since you came here, all you've been doing is opening sardines and it hasn't gotten you anywhere! stay the fuck away from her."


i walked away from her and towards victoria.

"come," i held her hand and we left the room together.

i saw lorena in the living room when we got to the main halls and she smiled at me. victoria smiled at me and patted my shoulder. she knew i was seeing lorena so that's why.

i walked towards lorena and she gave me a nod.

i stepped closer to her than i should, as her worker, and muttered in her ear.

"your head maid needs discipline." i stepped back and lorena raised her eyebrows at me.


"shes the only head maid you have, no?"

lorena scrunched her nose and she fixed the dress on her body.

my eyes scanned over her. i didn't examine her earlier and holy shit. she always looks good. she knows how to dress to impress, oh my god.

shes wearing a red tight dress that hugs her figure. it didn't show as much cleavage as the others but this one still shows a bit.

in my opinion, her breasts are just really big.

"eyes up here, sweetie." lorena snapped her fingers in front of my eyes, "you're gonna make it hard for me to keep us a secret if you don't stop staring at me like that." she mumbled.

"yeah, sorry," i snapped out of it, "what were you saying?"

she smirked.

lorena placed her finger underneath my chin and tilted my head up so that i was looking her in the face.

"im going to have a good time making you mine."


we might have gotten sidetracked but we still got the message delivered!

im not sure what's happening but monica and lorena are somewhere and lorena with her ratchet isn't something that has a good outcome. it normally has blood and danger.

it has been a good hour since she's gone and i was almost through with cleaning her room.

the door to her room opened and i looked towards it.

richard bowed.

"miss hollis," he gives me a look of... respect? "donna said you should stop cleaning and rest."

oh right, the hour.

"she isn't here so that's okay." i smiled at him kindly, "ill continue to do my job."

richard shook his head.

"im afraid i can't let you do that, miss."

i sighed and nodded.

i knew he wasn't gonna budge.

he was lorena's best guard after all, even though he has a puppy personality.

i put the cleaning materials away and richard nodded.

"thank you, miss."

"marielle is just fine." i fanned him off.

"i was instructed by the donna to call you something respectful, anything but your first name."

oh lorena.

"its fine, richard. thank you, ill take it from here." i heard her familiar voice say and i looked towards her as she entered the room.

richard bowed to his donna before leaving the room.

lorena closed the door and turned to me and threw me the brightest smile ever.

"how are you feeling?"

i narrowed my eyes at her.

"im feeling well, thank you. you?"

"fantastic," she threw her hands out, "come here, my love."

i walked towards her and lorena pulled me into her body. i collided with her chest and i giggled.

"what's up with you, miss gibbens?" i laughed and threw my arms around her shoulders. lorena smiled at me and placed her hands on my waist.

"i just took you out of misery," she said and i furrowed my brows.

"did you ki—"

"oh, no." she shook her head, "i wish i did but you wouldn't like that very much so i let her go."

i nodded slowly.

"and that makes you happy?"

"i get thrilled from torture, anything that has to do with hurting someone physically." lorena said and her thumbs started rubbing circles on my waist, "its like i get high off of it, like a drug im addicted to." (same girl, same)

i hummed and nodded as it processed in my mind.

lorena looked down at me.

"i hope you don't think of me differently, like a mad person now." her eyes narrowed playfully.

"no no no. i would never," i said and cupped her cheeks, "ever think of you as a mad person or you're weird or anything like that. you're perfect the way you are, flaws and all." i tapped her nose, "never forget that."

lorena smiled.

"give me a kiss, marielle."


i aspire to be the girl i write about in my book, the main character, a good and positive person. but we all don't get what we want, do we?

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