chap. fourteen

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we lowered our heads at the familiar voice. i realized that she was the one holding me and i stepped away and folded my arms.

"marielle, come with me. baleigh, get someone to clean this up." lorena spat and baleigh nodded.

"yes, donna."

lorena headed out of the workers quarters and i followed behind her.

"what happened?"

"i was angered." i said shortly.

she gives me a disapproving hum.

"by what?"

"it was assumed that i was your whore and that's why i got the days off and whatever." i fanned her off.

lorena laughed.

"my whore?"

i hummed.

"even if you were, i give day offs if they're necessary to anyone, weeks off. there's also this thing called sick break—"

"that's what i said to her too!" i cut her off and shook my head. my eyes blurred due to motion dizziness but i paid it no attention.

lorena shook her head.

she cupped my cheek and wiped her thumb over the smeared blood on my lip.

"you got a little something there," i silently thanked her with a smile and she smiled back. lorena's hand didn't remove from my cheek and i stared into her beautiful eyes.

i never took deep notice to them.

they're a dark blue, almost grey looking color. they have yellow strips in the middle, almost unnoticeable. at a certain angle, her eyes would look grey but it's actually blue.

lorena —visibly — leaned down closer to my face and her tongue darted out onto her lips.

"ive always wanted to feel what your lips would feel like against mine." she rasped out.

i gasped and her thumb slipped into my mouth.

"t-that's very unprofes–shional." my speech came out delayed due to her thumb being in my mouth. lorena pushed her thumb further into my mouth slowly and my lips locked around them.

"suck," i complied and started to suck on her thumb, looking into her beautiful eyes, "i don't care about professionality."

i didn't say anything as i twirled my tongue on her thumb.

"now, can i kiss you, marielle?"

i nodded and she removed her thumb from my lips. lorena leaned down towards my face and placed her lips on mine.

oh my—

her peach lips were finally on mine and they were just as they looked, soft, alluring and sweet. her lips had the flavour of strawberry on them and i could either guess that it was lip balm or just her natural scent.

my palm rested on her chest and she leaned down more into the kiss. due to our 6 inches height difference, it was making it a bit hard but we worked it out.

lorena's palm caressed my cheek and i hissed in pain when she rubbed over a tender part on my cheek.

she pulled back from the kiss in worry and looked at where her fingers grazed.

"shit, im sorry, marielle." she apologized.

"its fine," i muttered and she shook her head.

lorena placed a chaste kiss on the bruise and pecked my lips. i smiled and lorena grinned.

"that was better than i expected." she commented and i rolled my eyes.

"what? you thought i wasnt a good kisser?" i teased and she laughed.

"not really but it could've gone worse," she said and i shrugged.

we needed to talk about whats gonna happen after this kiss because i do not want to be her whore. main or this is done.

im not gonna compete with anyone.

i know better than that and i know my place.

"let's head to my office, shall we?"

i nodded and lorena took my hand in hers and we headed up to the 7th floor.

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