chap. twenty

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"lorena, my loveeee," a girl squealed.

before i knew it, she was jumping on lorena, wrapping her legs around her waist and her arms around her neck.

my eyes squinted.

lorena placed her down and gave her a hug.

"sydney." she smiled at the girl.

after the girl came four men, two women and a little boy.

"come, this way," lorena told them and four maids took their luggage and brought it to the guests room.

apparently, they were staying here for two weeks.

everyone got to the dining room and the food came in. i filled up the cups with water and then wine. whilst i was filling lorena's glass, she stroked my thigh and raised her hand underneath the dress, close to my core. i clenched my thighs together and squeezed her hand between my thighs. she chuckled lowly and then removed her hand.

"so, sydney, what brings you to this visit?" lorena asked as she took a sip of her wine.

"oh, you know, i missed you and whatever. wanted to check up on you." sydney responded.

sydney was a redhead and she has freckles splattered all over her face. shes wearing a bright red lipstick that fits her, a red dress to match the lipstick shade and black heels.

"i see," lorena said, "are you here on any mafia business?"

"currently no." sydney responded, "my brothers are though. they're looking for this girl that owes them some money, about 2 mil or 3."

i brought the wine back to the kitchen and victoria offered me some bread.

"no, thank you." i said and smiled politely.

"how's the lunch so far?"

i rolled my eyes.

"im not sure. i don't like this sydney girl," i said honestly. with her actions and lorena's and i current situation, she was making me feel... a way that i didn't like.

"hmm why not? she's really pretty." victoria said and i nodded in agreement.

"yeah, but," i sighed, "i don't know. let's play it out first because i could be reading into things too much." i said and victoria hummed.

"okay, girl. let me know how it goes."

i nodded and went back to the area.

"maid!" one of sydney's brothers called. i went over to him.

"yes, sir?"

"can i have a refill?" he asked and motioned towards his wine glass.

i give one nod and then went back to the kitchen for the wine and refilled his glass.

"just leave the bottle," sydney said and fanned me off.

i did as told and they all soon started to eat, falling into a jolly conversation.

i just wanted to leave at this point.


"lorena, i was thinking of something," sydney said and her brothers excused themselves and left the dining area.

sydney looked at me.

"you can leave." she gave her attention back to lorena and lorena looked at me.

"she stays."

"but she's a maid. what im about to say is... private." sydney said in a soft voice and pouted slightly.

lorena looked at her, "i don't care."

sydney huffed.

"now what were you saying?"

"i was thinking."



"what about it?"

sydney leaned back in her chair. i took up the bottle of water from where it was and took a few sips.

"i want to marry you."


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