chap fo. two

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i poured the milk in a cup and headed back towards the bed. i looked down at my girlfriend and she muttered something incoherent. i rested the glass of milk down on the bedside table and shook her awake gently. Lorena's eyes fluttered open and then closed and they stayed closed.

"Lorena." i called out to her as i continued shaking her.

"hmm?" she mumbled. "i need more vodka." she said and stretched her arm out. "add a slice of lime and- and- more vodka!"

i shook my head.

"you'll get vodka if you wake up." I told her.

 "Really?" I hummed in enthusiasm. 

Lorena sat up and I took up the glass of milk and handed it to her. She gulped down everything and I clapped her.

 "Good job."

 "this isn't vodka. " 

 "Shhh." I handed her the bag. " if you feel like throwing up, do it in this b-" 

Lorena gagged and suddenly, she was spilling her guts in the bag. I rubbed her back, encouraging her to puke up everything. Lorena was soon finished emptying her guts in the bag and I took it from her and avoided retching as I tied the bag to dispose of it.

For a mafia boss, you're pretty careless, Lorena. 

 "You did good, baby." I told her with a smile. " wanna get out of these and into something not so hot?" 

She nodded and I got up from the bed and went to her closet and took up a cropped top and short shorts for her. The time was extremely heated so I got her something to wear that doesn't carries a lot of heat.

Lorena seemed out of it when I went back into the room. She rubbed her temples with her eyes closed and I rested my hand on her shoulder, notifying her silently about my presence. 

I handed her the clothes and she smiled and thanked me. 

Okay so memory loss, check.

I turned away and gave her some privacy. I looked at my plain nails and picked at the dead skin around it and I heard her call out to me, telling me to turn around.

The clothes fits her perfectly, as suspected because duh, they are hers. 

Big bo—

Not the time.

Camel t—

Please shh.

 "Do you remember anything?" I asked her.

 "Not really. It's all fuzzy but i do remember is arguing and how we aren't on good terms." Lorena stated and I nodded slowly. 

so she remembers that.

"i apol-"

"no, don't." she stopped me before i could finish my sentence. "i should be the one that's apologizing. i don't remember exactly for what but i feel- feel like i'm in the wrong here, like i fucked up." i gave her a little smile and walked towards her.

lorena sat down on the bed and dropped her face in her palms. i sat down beside her and rested my hand on her back.

"we'll talk it out later when you're back to your normal self." i said softly and she nodded. i leaned down on her and brought her in my embrace.

together, we stayed silent, not saying anything and just calming down.

"i love you." i mumbled.

"i love you."


guys ive been so sick this past week its insane but sleep cured it all. im kinda back-ish but i got a whole lotta work on my hand bc my friends and i got this movie to make, there's 4 of us and the other two aint rlly putting in any effort so its js me and the other girl. this shii gotta atleast 10 chracters and we gotta play all 10 by OURSELVES help- idkwtd bruhh

also, im sorry for the bad grammar on ts. i typed this chapter on 3 dif devices and each of them has a dif punctuations or grammar or wtv u call it (ashamed to call myself an author rn)

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