chap. eleven

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it has been over fifteen minutes and lorena hasn't hailed me over yet. i had her whiskeys on the tray and i was watching her every move, watching her every move so close that i didn't even notice the woman who came close to me.

"what's a nice woman like you doing alone by yourself?" her sultry voice said.

i looked at her.

"oh, im not here on... mafia business," i scrunched my nose.

"clearly not, dressed like that, i know you're working for lorena." she chuckled and i frowned. she saw the look on my face and shook her head, "i don't mean it like that. what im saying is, you're not dressed according to the theme."

i nodded, dismissing her as i looked back at lorena, except, she wasn't there.

my heart leaped.

oh no.

im in so much trouble.

i stood up and my eyes scanned the area where she was and i panicked when i didn't see her.

oh no.

"she's to your left, approaching you." the woman said and i looked exactly where she told me to and i, indeed, saw her coming towards me with a smile. when she looked at the woman behind me, she frowned.


"beyonce, marielle."


i remember that name.

it's the girl she did the nasty with.

i looked at beyonce as she smiled with lorena.

"lorena,dear, so nice to see you." beyonce said and lorena rolled her eyes.

"you're distracting my waitress. id be happy if you leave her alone."

"mm, she seems pretty focused to me plus you can go without alcohol. you've already had more than 4 glasses of whiskey." beyonce said and fanned her off, "isn't that right, marielle?" she turned me and folded her arms.

"oh," not her putting me in the spotlight. both women stared at me as they awaited my answer, "dont put me in the middle of this. it's her choice if she wants to drink that much anyways. It's not like i can stop her."

beyonce shook her head.

"let's go, marielle. i want to introduce you to some fun people who don't drink a lot." she said and stuck her hand out towards me.

isn't she supposed to be really bitchy and stuff?

and how did these two have sex if they can hardly 'gree?

i looked at lorena, silently asking for her permission.

she sighed.

"go on. just get her back early."

i placed my hand in beyonce's own and she pulled me up to stand and smiled at lorena.

"1 on the dot."

lorena shoots her a glare before beyonce pulled me away.


guysss im so sorry for not updating. ik this is short but js a little catch up

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