chap. tw. two

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marielle hollis


everytime i finished my 50 minutes, i would leave. id tell richard that i needed 10 minutes to rest the foot and just spend the rest of the day sulking around.

was she really going to marry her?

i should ask lorena about it instead of sitting here and bitching out.

i came back with the mop and wiped up the water that had escaped my mouth. i looked over at the two and saw lorena holding her hands and she was looking at her with a little look in her eyes.

i could no longer hear the conversation, as her voice had lowered so that it was just them who was hearing.

i was stuck in my place.

she lifted the chair and moved it closer to her around the table and connected their hands again.

i didn't stick around any longer to find out what was going to happen next. i slammed the mop into the corner and stormed past victoria and headed to our quarters that we shared with some others.

luckily, no one was there.

i fell in my bed and tears started falling.

was it really what it looked like?

i felt a hand on my back and i looked and saw victoria. i let my head rest on her lap as i cried, shushing me as the tears fell.

i stared at the bottom of the bunk bed and the door to the quarters opened.

"get up, now." i jumped at the voice and saw lorena.

i swallowed harshly and she glared at me.

i huffed and turned away from her.

i thought she would leave me alone but to my surprise, i was dragged out of the bed and she made me sit up. she looked in the eyes.

"im not gonna fucking tell you again. change into something else and wash your face. meet me in my office in 10 minutes, marielle." her voice was dangerously low and i was low-key scared inside.

i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding when she left and placed my hand on my chest.

i am in so much fucking trouble.


i pushed her office door open slowly and then closed it after i entered. lorena flicked the pen and forth between her fingers and i stood near the door.

"have a seat." she motioned towards the chairs that were in front of her desk. i sat down in one of them and she looked at me.

"why have you been ignoring?" lorena asked.

"i-i haven't been ignoring you." i lied.

"marielle," she warned, "don't lie to me right now. im not in the mood."

i looked down at my lap and bit the inside of my cheek.

"is it because of the sydney situation?" lorena asked and i nodded my head, still not looking at her.

she sighed.

"why havent you said anything? about how you feel about the situation? it's easier to talk than to ignore and hide the feelings." she said and i shook my head, "look at me."

i couldn't.

i would cry.

i heard her chair scraping against the floor and then her heels clicking towards me. she pulled my chair out and grabbed the other one and pulled it until they were in front of each other. lorena cupped my cheeks and made me look up at her.

the first thing i saw was her cleavage.

not the time.

"im sorry for how i made you feel, my love, but it wasn't what it seemed like, whatever you saw, heard or assumed." she said.

"then all that distance was what?" i muttered.

"sydney is hard to," she pondered, "persuade and shes really stubborn."


"listen, i know i was wrong for getting that close to her, especially because we have things going on. i did tell her that i am seeing someone and that i won't be able to marry her."

"and what'd she say?"

"that she's going to kill you." lorena said, "but i told her no and that im actually serious about you."


i didn't know what to say or how to react to that.

she was about to kill me?

for lorena?


i know that she has high power in the mafia world but that's a bit extreme...

"and now where are you with sydney?" i asked.

"what do you mean?"

i leaned into her touch.

"where do you stand with her?"

"friends, strictly friends."

"when did you last speak to her?"

"since dinner."

i nodded slowly and lorena stroked my cheeks.

"im very loyal in a talking stage. i won't go and fuck and talk with any and everybody. if we talking then i don't see why i shouldn't stay loyal." lorena said, "i devote myself to you completely."

i smiled.

"thank you."

"what for?" lorena asked.

"for being honest and loyal." i chose my words carefully as i responded. lorena smiled.

"its nothing to thank me for. its just common sense and bare minimum to be honest." she shrugged and i giggled and nodded.

"now that we've cleared the tension, i believe it's time for us to catch up."

"catch up?"

"catch up." she confirmed, "im asking you out on a date, marielle."


what should they do for their dateeee?

im excited for them!

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