chap. nineteen

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"okay so i think that we should have a day out." i said to the girls as i sat down around the island. they all looked at me.

"a day who?" meridith laughed as she stuffed her face with the freshly baked cookies. she started choking and i laughed at her. victoria handed her a bottle of water and meridith downed all of it, sighing in relief when she removed the bottle from her lips, "girl, theres no way we'll be allowed out there to go shopping and shit."

"why not?"

they all turned to look at me like i had two heads.

"girl, what do you mean 'why not'?" iris laughed, "there are high chances that someone will run away or cause a scene, snitch or something. miss gibbens doesn't take risks."

i pouted.

"i cant stay in here forever. ill go mad," i said and threw my hands up in the air.

victoria looked at me and smirked.

"you can convince her to let us out," victoria said and i shook my head.

"im not gonna abuse my will," i rolled my eyes playfully at her.

"uh huh," she hummed and bit into her egg omelette, "im just saying." she shrugged.

monica entered the kitchen.

"donna is having guests over in 2 hours. get the food prepared, mostly meat should be prepared, lemonade, whiskey, ice and of course, water." monica informed us.

"so what are you gonna do?" iris asked her when she turned her back to exit.

monica turned and glared.

"set the damn table and make the area presentable." she snapped and walked out of the kitchen.

we all grumbled, sad that our little lunch got shortened.

we hurried and ate and then got to work.

"im not sure why her meetings are so unplanned and unpredictable." victoria mumbled.

"is it always?" victoria, meridith and iris responded 'yes' in unison, "jeez."

i slipped the cutting board over to meridith and she slipped it to victoria who stirred the pot as she put the chopped up vegetables in the pot.

"1 hour on the clock!" holiday announced.

everyone was busy, making sure that everything was perfect.

"hollis, private server. bentley, simpson and rocky on washing, garnet and anderson on cleaning and lewis, forbes, junior and hanson are on sweeping and after-organization." monica said as she came into the kitchen, "go wash up, hollis. can't have you smelling like a pig to our guests."

i glared at monica and she chuckled and left the kitchen.

"one day, im gonna pick her teeth from her gums." i grumbled and took the apron off and exited the kitchen. i went to the quarters and took a quick shower, got dressed in my other uniform and moisturized my skin and looked at the clock.

15 minutes.

i combed my hair out from it's knots and then put it in two low buns and left some hair out at the front.

8 minutes.

i head to the 2nd dining room.

"junes! you're bringing the food out!" monica ordered and junes nodded. monica saw me and looked at her notepad, "donna needs to see you beforehand to give you a rundown."

i left the place and went to the 7th floor. i got there within a short period of time and headed towards her room. her door was cracked open slightly so i slipped in and saw tightening her ponytail. when she saw me, she pouted and walked towards me.

"hi, baby." she pecked my cheeks.

"hi, my love." i smiled and she smiled back at me, "why the long face?"

she shrugged.

"i guess you can say that i missed you."

"you guess?"

lorena chuckled.

"i missed you."

"that's better," i bopped her nose, "i missed you too. monica said you wanted to see me beforehand to give me a run down?"

lorena rolled her eyes, "i wanted to see you, yes, but i don't have any reason as to why i should give you a warning and whatnot. youve been my server more times than i can count."

"hmm, true." i shrugged and folded my arms.

lorena came up to me and placed her hands on my waist. she leaned down and placed her lips on mine. i melted into the kiss as we poured our passion into it, feeling every ounce of emotion. i wrapped my arms around her neck and lorena pulled me into her body.

her scent hits me and i refrained from jumping on her.


i fisted her ponytail and tugged her head back from my lips and she hissed softly.

"we— you have to get going." i reminded her and she tried leaning down but i tightened my grip on her ponytail pulling once more, but a bit harder.

"im into this." she teased and i rolled my eyes.

i let go of her hair and fixed it back before walking out of her arms.

"ill see you when i see you, lorena."

she laughed and i headed back down. before the elevator door closed, lorena entered and we went down together.

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