chap. three

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we arrived at her house- mansion - and as expected, it was huge. it could possibly be ten of my houses combined and stacked on top of each other. 

"keep your head down and stay behind me." miss gibbens said and i nodded, "and i prefer verbal answer, miss hollis."

"yes, ma'am." i uttered and she nods in satisfaction.

"good.  now come."


i did a light jog to catch up to her and took long strides to match her pace. i kept my head held down as i entered the huge room with miss gibbens. she led me past the workers and then into a quarters.

the women who were seated stood and bowed their heads in respect.

"this is marielle hollis and she'll be working with you as of now. assign her to something until i find a suitable job for her. victoria, give her a tour." miss gibbens commanded in a cold tone.

i wonder how people change their tone that often. like dude, aren't you tired of the facade?

the eight girls nodded — i was counting feet — and miss gibbens left the room. as soon as she left, the girls stared at me.

"were you auctioned?" one of them asked in a soft tone.


i nodded, still looking down.

"hey, you can look up. we don't bite," another said.

i hesitantly looked up at them and they all gave me warm smiles.

"let's do introductions," the one who spoke up first said excitedly and clapped, "i am victoria," she has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. one of her eyes was darker than the other but i didn't ask, "this is iris, sarah, june, meridith, marsha, april and holiday. we've all been working for miss gibbens for a few years now."

i nodded and give them a small smile.

"im marielle and it's nice to meet you all."

they all nodded and smiled.

victoria, the bubbly one, looped her arm through mine and we left the quarters.

"im gonna give you a tour of the important floors and then get you started."

i nodded once more.

i feel like victoria and i are gonna be good friends.


"who's this bitch and what is she doing in here?" a woman spat as she entered the maid quarters.

"she's the new worker miss gibbens brought in today. she's from the auction." victoria said and i thanked her mentally for speaking up for me. 

"hmm," she huffed. "come with me."

victoria let go off my hand and i walked behind the woman as she led me out of the room.

"im monica, the head maid for miss gibbens. everything comes to me. something is done wrong, report to me. something is needed, come to me. you're being picked on, come to me. everything. to. me." she stared me dead in the eyes as she said the last part like i was some kind of juvenile delinquent. 

i nodded in understanding.


"that's 'yes, ma'am'." she hissed and i raised my eyebrows.

monica stared at me like she expected me to respond again.

when i didn't say anything, she gripped me by the ear and pulled me towards her. i hissed and tried to smack her hands off but she gripped my cheeks with her other hand.

"listen to me, you little... unwanted piece of shit, im the head here and you're going to respect me. now when i say something to you, i expect an answer. do you understand?" i  clenched my eyes shut in pain as i struggled to hold the tears back.

"y-yes, ma'am." it came out muffled due to her grip on my cheeks.

monica released her grip on me as i placed my hand over my burning ear and used my tongue to soothe the pain in my jaws.

"i thought we would've gotten along well but i guess not." monica shook her head, "tell me, dear, whats your name?"

i looked down and blinked away the tears and then looked back up at her.


"'my name is'," she moved her hands forward and i fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"my name is marielle hollis."

monica smiled in satisfaction.

"i would hate to be the one who disciplines you. im only your head maid, don't give me another job, marielle." 

she walked off and left me in the hallway.

if this was my new life then i didn't want it.

i wanted to go back to my grandma.

i want my grandma. 

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