chap fo. three

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beyonce came back a few minutes later and i leaned up off of lorena and looked at her.

"how's she holding up?" bev asked.

i looked at Lorena and she looked at me. her eyes looked tired and drained, like there was no life behind them.

i shrugged and muttered to Lorena to lay down while i go talk to beyonce.

we left the room, standing just outside the door. beyonce folded her arms and i sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"i don't even want to think about what would've happened if we didn't come when we did." i started off. "where's sydney?"

"where she should be." beyonce said and i waited for her to tell me where she is. "she's in the hospital on the private ward."

"how long did the doctor say her recovery was?" i asked her.

"she can be out by friday but full healing takes 2 month or so. her eye is swollen, i think you burst a few blood vessels because there's a lot of blood pooling in her eyes. her nose is broken, her jaw is dislocated and she lost a few teeth and that's about it." beyonce informed. "oh and her left wrist is sprained, would've been broken if she was floored harder."

i nodded.

"keep me updated. i'm staying with lorena. training is off until i resume it."

"yes, ma'am." beyonce smiled at me and she parted ways. i went back into lorena's room and saw that she was asleep.

i left her room and went back to my quarters. i took a few clothes from there and stuffed it in a little bag that i got from laura. i took up the essentials and then headed back to her room. i showered there and got dressed. afterwards, i went downstairs and went to Aliyah.

"starting preparing miss gibbens lunch, a." i informed the head chef and she nodded as she bopped her head to sexyy red - looking for the hoes.

"yeah yeah."

i laughed and headed towards the med ward.

"good afternoon." i greeted the lady at the front desk. "what room is sydney rowe in?"

the lady looked at me.

"who are you to lady rowe?" the lady asked.

i looked at her.

"i'm her cousin." i told her and she looked at me for a while. "by her mother's side so we're not gonna resemble each other."

please buy it. please buy it. please buy it.

the lady looked down at the computer and typed something.

"she's on the private ward, room f."

"thank you." i smiled politely and headed towards the elevator.

i arrived on the private ward and headed towards room f. i opened the door and saw sydney connected to drips and her eyes were open. i walked around the bed and headed towards stood near her face. her eyes turned to me and the heart monitor picked up its pace.

"shh. im not here to hurt you." i shushed her and stroked her ginger hair. "im actually here to talk." i grabbed the guest chair and sat down in it. she couldn't move or speak due to how badly injured she was.

"why couldn't you just stay away, sydney?" i asked. "why couldn't you just... go? the night you came for dinner and she told you that she wasn't going to marry you then you should've just upped and left with your brothers, regardless if they were searching for someone. search outside the borders. just don't get caught."

i sighed and tutted.

"we caught up more than once. you didn't expect that i was gonna beat your ass one day?" i laughed. "man, you're just so stupid. and then you were even all like 'i could give you more than what she can give you, lorena. you chose her over me' and blah blah blah. bitch, lorena does not want someone who cannot defend themselves and the fact that your daddy rules a mafia and you cannot fucking fight is hilarious. okay, daddy's princess." it got to a point where i stood and started laughing.

"you are just so worthless, its incomprehensible. do you even know what that means?" i leaned over the bed and looked at her. her eyes pooled with tears. "i bet your pea sized brain didn't even get it right." i poked her in the head.

"don't you want to the suffering to end, sydney? to stop being such an obstacle in people's life? your papa is out here about to die and your only priority is to home wreck?" i hummed in disappointment. i took up the spare pillow. tears fell from her eyes and i looked at her.

"i'll help you, sydney. you'll thank me for it."

with that, i placed the pillow on her face and pressed down on it. on instinct, she tried to stop me but her hand was not allowing her.

pain. that's all she felt.

i listened to the heart monitor pick up its pace, her whimpers and her helpless, muffled screams underneath the pillow that was coated with a cream, silky pillowcase.

"it'll be okay." i told her softly. "you wont have to live like this anymore."

her struggles died down soon and i removed the pillow from her face and smoothed it out and rested it in its previous place.

i stroked her hair and looked at her face.

"you look so peaceful, sydney. it was nice knowing you."


how i wanna take my mama's breath away while she sleeps <3

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