chap thirty

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i headed back to the house. i still had a lot of time in my hand but that wasn't such a bad thing. i now had something to fill in the huge time i have to myself— training.

i wonder what it'll be like.

"im heading towards the room now, meredith. i'll see you when i see you." i rolled her as i poked my head in the kitchen and she nodded and waved at me.

i went to the room i shared with the other girls and took out some clothes to put on after my shower and then headed towards the bathroom. luckily, it was unoccupied so i entered and closed the door.

i sighed and placed my clothes down on the toilet.

i looked at myself in the mirror.

all that was staring back at me was a helpless girl depending on a mafia boss to give her the world.

a pathetic girl.

i opened the mirror– it was s cabinet with a mirror – and took out the scissors.

i clipped it and then closed the cabinet. i held my hair delicately and ran my hand through it and inhaled deeply.

"okay. its time for a change, marielle."


i fucked up.

but i was rocking the look.

my hair is now in a bob, a surprisingly leveled bob. i had to trim and cut for a long period of time to get everything even but it was worth it in the end when i saw the final look. i showered and did my business in the bathroom, cleaning up the mess i made.

"has anyone seen marielle?" as soon as i came out of the bathroom, i was being asked for.

just in time, i guess.

"here i am." i announced and beyonce raised her eyebrows when she saw me.

"come with me."

I did was told and we left the room together. beyonce didn't say anything and I was curious so I asked her where we were going.

"you'll see when we get there."

"if you're taking me to lorena then I'm turning back. I told you to tell her that she should come to me herself if she wants to speak to me." I halted in my tracks and Beverly turned to look at me.

"I don't care what you told me to tell Lorena. I was assigned with something and I'm carrying out that job." she folded her arms and I huffed.

"Well you might as well call it quits because I'm not going."

Beverly sighed and took me up, throwing me over her shoulder.

I tried to protest but she lowered my body furthermore over her shoulder. I gripped onto her shirt tightly.


She didn't respond and I sighed.

It made no sense I try to not give in because I gave in before I could even try. A few minutes passed and soon, we were at Lorena's office. I huffed when Beverly placed me down and I lowered the night dress. I patted down my hair and Lorena looked at us in amusement.

"Thank you, beyonce."

beyonce smiled.


And then she left the office, leaving Lorena and I alone.

I refused to look at her.

"Marielle." She called out to me softly. I looked down at my interesting feet and wiggled my toes the most that I could.

Lorena called out to me once more but I didn't answer, causing her to sigh.

"Look, I know you're mad at me but please talk to me."

Glaring at her, I pointed a finger accusingly at her. "You're a coward."

Her lips parted at my comment.

"Not because you have the entire mafia at your knees why you should let them do shit for you, Lorena. I told Beyonce earlier to tell you that I wont be coming to you if you send someone to come and get me so that I can come to you. That's a pussy move and you should know all about that."


"No, Lorena. You let the situation go on a little longer than needed."

"And I am apologizing for that now." Lorena stood from her chair and walked around her table and towards me. "Please just hear me out, Marielle."

I looked at her, waiting for her to keep talking.

"I never wanted it to go this far. For one, I should've kicked her out the second I came back and saw her in the room because I knew what she was capable of. Two, I should've never sent you out of the room. I should've told her to leave instead, especially because I was the one who had invited you to my quarters." I held my hand up, stopping her from continuing.

"It's not even about the entire room situation with Sydney. It's the fact that you know she wants to marry you yet still you keep her around."

"What do you want me to do, baby? Tell me." By now, she was in front of me, taking my palm into her hand.

I looked at her, my eyes meeting hers. I can't let her know how weak she has me.

"I'm not asking you to kill her or 'get rid of her' but do something about her. She can't keep coming between us as an obstacle." I told her.

Lorena nodded.

"Is that all?"

I shrugged.

"For now, yeah."

"Okay, my baby."

Holy shit.

I smiled at her and her eyes went to my hair and she examined me.

"I like what you did to your hair." Lorena commented.

"Thank you."

"It brings out your facial features."

"The bob?"


I did a little slow nod.

I saw her eyes flicker down to my lips for a split second.

"Can I kiss you, baby?"

"You didn't have to ask."

"I don't know if you're still upset with me so out of respect, I asked."

I smiled at her words.

"Yes you can."


So guys, I'm using a laptop- windows- and it autocorrects the common i to a capital i so i js put it in the correct grammar. the next few chapters might be like that too; I'm not 100% sure as yet <33 alsoooo, the update schedule is every other day so my next update would be on sunday. i'll try to make it two-three chaps when i do update.

love ya!

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