chap. fi. two

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i pulled on the dress that lorena had brought for me and fixed my hair in the mirror.

"what is so important?" lorena asked beyonce.

"oh you know, i was just checking up on you two."

lorena took a deep breath.

"tell me you're joking."

"im actually not-"

knowing lorena, she's always ready to hit someone.

i pushed her away from the door with all my strength.

"what im sure she was about to say is that we appreciate it. right, lorena?" i turned my head to glare at her and she looked at me with a frown.


lorena didn't respond and i turned around and smiled at beyonce.

"we'll be out in a minute." i told her and she nodded and returned the smile. beyonce averted her eyes towards lorena and gave her a smirk.

"you should take a page from marielle's book. maybe then you'll be nicer." beyonce teased.

i laughed and closed the door.

immediately after i did, lorena pinned me against the door.

"you're not going to leave me on edge."

i tsked and removed her hands from my waist and walked over to the sink where my dress was and folded it.

"technically, i'm the one being left on edge so," i shrugged and opened the cabinet to see if i found any bags but to my luck, nope.

"i want to taste you, marielle, feel your pussy clenching around my fingers." i could hear the desperation in her voice and it only turned me on more.

i looked in the mirror at myself, smoothing out my hair that was partially messed up.

i didn't respond to her.


lorena came up behind me and i looked at her through the mirror as i kept fixing myself.

"how do i look?" i asked her.

"fucking ravishing." lorena pulled me closely into her body and i gasped. she used one of her hands to turn my head towards the side where her lips met mine in a kiss.

"let me have you, mama."



i kissed her back just as gently as she did. i could feel her emotions through the kiss, what she wanted, what she needed but i wasn't going to give in, not yet.

i love teasing her.

i pulled back and licked my lips.

i looked into her captivating eyes and pecked her lips once more.


i held my previous dress tightly over my arm and grinned and left the bathroom. i headed back towards the main party, still with my dress, and with ease, i spotted beyonce.

i walked over to her.

"do you want me to take that for you?" she motioned towards the dress.

"thank you." i handed it to her and she nodded, waving a guard over. the guard came and she instructed him where to take the dress and he did so.

"where's lorena?" beyonce asked.

"in the bathroom."

"oooh." beyonce wiggled her eyebrows.

i laughed.

"i want some food."

"there's an after party in," she paused and looked down at the silver watch on her wrist. "two minutes."

i did a victory pump and beyonce looked behind me.

"uh oh."

i looked where she was looking and i sighed.

this girl needs to get off pussy.

"what'd you do, mar?" beyonce asked and i shrugged.

"i didn't give her what she wanted." i told her and motioned for the waitress to come over.

she did and i told her to get me a bottle of water and she bowed and left to retrieve the water.

"ooh she looks pissed." beyonce said.

"that's lorena's business."


i write what i want to experience FR FR

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