-chap th. one-

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"lorena." sydney whined as she pushed open her office door like she owned the place.

i looked up in annoyance.

i'm getting tired of this bitch now.


her voice hardened as she spoke to sydney and i turned and looked at her. her eyes fell to me and she scowled.

"no. tell her to leave." the redhead whined and pointed at my figure.

"i wont repeat myself, sydney. get the fuck out."


her facial expressions changed to a look of sadness and she turned and left the office, closing the door behind her. lorena ran her hand over her face and i looked at her. i pushed her back gently and she took steps until she was backed up on her table.

"let me take your mind off stuff."


"so i have a question." i said as i trailed patterns on the sheet that covered her naked chest.

"mhm?" she hummed.

"the girls have been wondering if they can get a day out." i looked at her. "obviously they all wont go out at the same time because you'll need workers to help around for the day, too."



"yes." lorena repeated. "are you apart of those 'girls'?"

i nodded.

"then extra yes."

i smiled and pecked her lips.

"when though?" i asked her.

"I'm going to let you decided amongst yourselves and settle on a good date and the other batch of workers can also settle on their date of outing." lorena said and my smile widened.

"thank you."

"mm, no. thank you." i laughed at her joke behind the sentence and pecked her lips.

"i left hickeys on your neck." i told her. "and your chest, thighs and collarbone."

"good." lorena pecked my lips. she turned and took her phone off the bedside table and squinted her eyes as she looked at the time. "we need to bring your position to the public."

"are you sure?"

"why wouldn't i be?" lorena asked and got comfortable, like she was before.

"i'm a maid and you're you. we've had this conversation before." i cut short.

"it doesn't matter. i love you for you."

my eyes widened at her small confession and hers did too once she realized what she said but she didn't take it back.

"you love me?"

lorena licked her lips.

"i do."

i was quiet for a while.

"i love you, marielle."

she loves me.

she loves me, too.

"you may not be ready to say it back as yet but i do love you, marielle. you're my source of oxygen right now. i don't know what i'd do without you, pretty girl." i smiled widely.

"i love you too, lorena."

lorena tried to fight the smile off of her face.

"are you sure you're not saying it because i said it?"

"I'm sure." i told her. "i-i love you. i know i do."

lorena smiled and she pulled me ontop of her. the sheet raised along with my body and she pulled my face down so that i could kiss her. i moved my lips against hers on a steady pace. her hand rested on my hips and i couldn't help but grind my naked core against her mound.

lorena licked my lips and i parted them, letting her tongue slide between my parted lips.

i rolled my hips against hers in a rhythmic pace, slowly and sensually. Lorena moaned softly and i smirked into the kiss. i took control of the kiss, sucking on her tongue and nipping it. her hands started to guide my hips, picking up the pace and she stopped my hips for a while and raised one of her legs. we got in the position and i pulled the sheet off of our bodies.

lorena placed two fingers in her mouth, coating them with saliva before bringing it down to rub my clit. i let out a breath and she moved her fingers and i started to grind against hers. this was our second time in this position.

our first time was earlier and it was fantastic.

i rolled my hips against hers with rhythm and groped one of my breasts. i threw my head back as the friction started friction-ing.

"fuck." lorena moaned.

i started to pick up the pace with my hips more and more. the both of us moaned loudly at the pleasurable sensations that override our bodies as we pleasured each other, i slowed down my movement and then stopped moving my hips.

when she's cumming, she's going to be cumming in my mouth.

i turned around on her waist, dropping her feet and sat on her chest, making sure i wasn't hurting her breasts. i spread her legs widely and lorena groped my ass. i leaned down and flicked her clit with my tongue. i rubbed her clit in circles, rolling my bottom lip as i did so.

lorena's tongue licked between my slit and then on my clit and then down again.

i moved my fingers from her clit and started to eat her out, making sure that all of her pussy was getting the attention it needed.

soon, we were both orgasming together, moaning loudly as we did.

after coming down from our highs, i came off of her and laid down beside her.

we panted, catching our breaths after such an intense orgasm.

i turned around and pecked her lips. lorena smiled at me and looked up at me.

"i love you."

"i love you too."

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