chap th. eight

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guysss i was so busy yesterday, i couldn't get to update omg. i wont be updating tomorrow bc imma be out allll day so the next update will be on tuesday. i'll try to give y'all the chapters y'all shld get for yesterday and tmr so 4. lets gooooo


marielle hollis

i have successfully avoided lorena for one day. yesterday wasn't that bad nor was it that hard to ignore her because she had a lot of tasks to do and her schedule was partially full.

today is a new day and im ready to begin my day.

as usual, my morning routine and then i headed up to lorena's room.

her scent evaded my nostrils and i smiled softly.

i miss her.

but is she ready to talk to me as yet?

the last conversation we had was when she said she was disappointed in me.

i didn't know if i should give her space or push myself into her space.

i would rather give her space because i don't want her to snap at me and then something happens and i wouldn't want that.

my grandma is still out there alone.

i cannot die.

cleaning the room didn't take much time so i was out in no time. i hummed as i went towards the elevator. the elevator tinged and i halted in my steps.

that could only be one person—

well a few actually.

but no one comes onto her floor randomly.

i looked around rapidly for some where to escape and i quickly hid in one of the guest rooms, closing the door silently.

a few minutes and passed and i sighed.

i think she saw me.

if she saw me, she would've said something to me and/or would've already been in this room.

shut up. you don't know her and what she'd do.

stop hiding, coward.

i came out of the guest room and quickly scurried down the hall and into the elevator. my heart beat rapidly as i pressed the 1st floor button. holy fuck.

i need to get over myself.

i don't know why i'm not facing her but i just can't.

- lorena gibbens -

a few days had already passed- three to be exact- and i haven't spoken to marielle, she hasn't spoken to me.

the distance was killing me but I'm giving it time, giving her time.

i downed the last of the vodka and lime and licked my lips at the taste of the alcohol.

i sighed for the millionth time and removed the scrunchie from my hair and rested it on the table and used my hand to even out my hair.

i took a deep inhale and cracked my knuckles.

a knock was heard from my door and i yelled at the person to come in.

i closed my eyes when i saw who entered.

"sydney, what do you want?" i asked in annoyance.

sydney didn't say anything as she sat down in front of me and leaned forward.

"how can i be of help to you?" i asked her once more, opening my eyes to stare at her. that came out slightly slurred but it wasn't noticeable.

i wasn't drunk.

"i only came to check up on you." sydney said. i wasn't sure if she was fucking with me right now or she was being genuine.


"i care for your wellbeing." she shrugged.

"aren't you supposed to leave today?"


"then why haven't you left as yet? you didn't need to bid me goodbye."

sydney leaned back, raising her hands slightly.

"i'm only being respectful, despite how you and your girlfriend hate my guts." i let out a breath at her sentence in exhaustion. "did i touch a spot?"

i scowled at her.

"get the fuck out."

"we both know you don't want me to, lorena." sydney said and raised her perfectly arched eyebrows. she tucked her hair behind her ear and that was when i took the time to examine her.

her hair flowed over her shoulder, slightly curled. she's wearing a black turtle neck blouse, sleeveless, and i couldn't see what else she was wearing because the table blocked it. i rolled my shoulders back.

"marielle and i are on a rough patch currently. i don't need you bothering me." i told her truthfully. i was already stressed with the forming of new alliances, weaponry, trainees and other paper works and marielle and i's relationship was adding on to my stress.

"tell me about it." sydney said.

"what? no. get out."

her eyebrows raised.

"i'll just listen."

i still didn't cave.

"i'll give you a massage, come on." sydney stood up and came around the chair and stood behind me.

she rested her fingertips on my shoulders and moved them back and forth. i sighed.

"i'm listening."


"she's actually in the wrong here." sydney said as we walked to my room together. "she hasn't reached out to you and apologized for what she did, tell me how fucked up that is."

i hummed.

she opened the room door and i got in. she left the door half open and i fell in my bed.

fuck, i'm so tired.

sydney took my shoes off and then sat down on the bed beside me.

"go to bed." she said. "marielle isn't worthy of you. if she can't apologize for what she's done then she doesn't deserves what you do for her. why be with someone who can't own up to what they did? that's just wasting your time."

sydney pulled the covers over my body, getting up from her sitting position as she did so.

"you deserve the world, lorena." sydney muttered and i felt her lips close to mine and she let them linger.

that was the last thing i remembered before i fell asleep.

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