chap th. six

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after we all parted our ways, we headed to our rooms. i was as high as a fucking kite. i felt so on top of the world. even though my vision was double, i managed to find my way. i collapsed in my bed and let out an exasperated breath.

i wasn't tired. i was just... yeah.

~ a few minutes has passed and i couldn't stop rolling in my bed. i couldn't sleep. i couldn't see right. nothing was making sense.

i'm going to see lorena.

she'll know how to put me to sleep.

i got up out of bed and left the room, almost falling atleast a thousand times before i got to lorena's room. i knocked on the door and she opened it a second later.

"hi!" i exclaimed and she looked at me weirdly.

"why do you smell li- right, hey." she smiled at me and i dropped on her bed, or so i thought.

"fuck, fuck, fuck!" i yelled out as a sharp, searing pain ran through my head.

"are you okay?" lorena asked as she rushed towards me.

i hummed and groaned, closing my eyes. lorena lifted me up off of the ground and i opened my eyes as i looked at her.

her face scrunched up and she made me sit on the bed.

"what did you do?"


"what. did you. do?" lorena asked me slowly and i giggled.

"it was just some- hmm, let's see." i put up my fingers and started counting as i listed the things i did.

"who was there with you?" lorena asked me.

"nobody." i pointed my finger towards her. "not a single soul."

"i wont fucking ask you again, marielle." lorena snapped. "as a matter of fact, i'm not asking you. as your donna, i order you to tell me who else was with you."

i looked down at my lap.

why was she being so harsh? i should've never came.

then again, she has every reason to be harsh.

they told me not to tell but i had to. i couldn't refuse her.

god knows what'll happen if i do.

i told her the names of those who were there as i avoided eye contact with her. lorena sighed and rubbed her hands over her face and stepped back from me.

"i am disappointed in you, marielle. i never expected you to take this path." with that, she left the room and i felt my eyes pooled with tears.


gosh, that's one thing i never wanted her to feel.

tears flowed from my eyes and soon, i was full blown sobbing on her bed. i slid off the bed and sat on the ground as i cried my eyes out.

- narrator -

lorena folded her fists in anger as she took the elevator to the floor of the maid quarters. she was livid. this was what marielle was doing? she does drugs? she smokes? all these thoughts ran through her head and all she could think about was the past and how it reminded her of her mother.

lorena didn't want that path for marielle. even if she had to be controlling, she wouldn't let it happen.

not again.

not when she could do something about it.

"iris katana, victoria mannings, meridith loveborn. come with me." she announced as she entered quarters 07.

they weren't asleep so lorena didn't have to wait longer than she had to.

they looked at each other in fright and she could smell the strong scent of weed coming from the girls. lorena stepped aside and they exited the room. she went to quarters 09 and 08 and gathered the other girls. the six girls followed behind lorena as she went outside.

they all looked at each other, knowing they were in trouble.

marielle was the only one who wasn't with them and victoria knew she had blabbed.

"miss gibbens-" victoria started.

lorena held up her hand, stopping the girl from talking.

"silence." her cold voice surrounded them in the night air like a blanket, surging more fear into their bodies.

"w-where are we going, donna?" one of the girls asked as her voice trembled. i should've never done this. i knew iris was bad news.

lorena ignored her and soon, they arrived at their destination.

the guards guarding the cells opened the doors and lorena walked in and they walked in behind her. lorena got to an empty cell and they all entered. Lorena stood at the cell door.

"now let's have a chat, ladies. shall we?"


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