chap. ten

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gonna speed things up a bit guyssss




everyone made sure that everything was in order before miss gibbens opened the door to the world. i stood about 20 feet from her and she walked away from the door. the guards stood at their post and i took a deep breath.

let this dreadful night begin.

"come." she said and motioned for me to follow her. i did as told, doing a light jog to watch up to her, "i'll be here majority of the time so this is where youll be needed mostly." she told me as we entered the other area.

i nodded.

"whiskey, half lime," i repeated her order and she nodded with a slight smile.


i grinned.

"you'll always refill on that and whatever else my company asks for." she mentions and we left that area and went back to the main.

i was surprised when a lot of people started polluting the room.

i moved quickly to catch up to miss gibbens as she walked across the floor, greeting the guests.


holy shit.

my legs.

i tapped miss gibbens lightly as she dipped on her third glass of whiskey.

"do you have a backup for me?" i asked and she shook her head.

"no. why?"

"my legs are burning." i whined.

her eyes softened as she looked at me. she thought about it for a minute before speaking up.

"you can have a seat for the time being until im ready to move off."

i nodded gratefully, "thank you, ma'am."

lorena smiled at me and downed the whiskey, placing the empty glass on the tray.

"i have a speech to make in," she paused and looked at her silver watch on her palm, "5 minutes. itll be around one minute or two, you can use that time to rest and fifteen minutes after that."

"thank you."

i wasn't sure what to say, so i said the only thing on top of my head.

a major thank you.

i could kiss her shoes right now.


let's not go there.

we don't do that.

i sat down, swaying my legs for a bit, before i started to feel thirsty.

"am i allowed to take anything, miss gibbens?"

she scrunched her nose at me at the sound of me calling her miss.

"yes you are, marielle."

i nodded and she looked at her watch.

"it's time."

i give her two encouraging thumbs up.

"you got this!"

she smiled at me.

her smile is really pretty.

and her teeth, too.

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