chap. seven

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nine days have passed, and that means five days are left before the ball happens. as expected, i haven't seen lorena around often.

whenever i went to clean her room, she wouldn't be there.

for some reason, my mind keeps running back to her. im not really sure why im having those thoughts about my boss, my mafia boss, who can kill me within the snap of her fingers.

the thoughts aren't appropriate.

they're dirty, with a mixture of romance, daydreaming and just thoughts.

everything was so mixed up.

i hung up the decor. it was a christmas ball that was held annually and all the mafia bosses came to this ball. i was unaware of it back when i was with my grandma. maybe it's because this is just the mafia world.

i hummed 'so this is love' whilst putting up the banner along with this other maid. i tied it on the nail and hammered the nail into the wall so that the banner wouldn't fall off or it wouldn't be too loose. the other girl did the same and we climbed down off the ladder.

i high-five her and she grinned.

"take 10!" monica yelled as she came into the room, "looking good, people."

we cleared the room. as i was about to leave, monica called me back.

"miss gibbens needs to see you."

i nodded, "7th floor?"

monica nodded and i walked past her and towards the elevator. in no time, i got to the 7th floor and i headed towards her room. richard saw me and opened the door and i entered; he closed it after i did.

lorena bit into her... sandwich and licked the excess cheese off her lips as she chewed. she hummed and rested the sandwich down.

everytime i see this woman, she's eating.

"mm, hi," she said and finished chewing, "do you want piece of my cheese sandwich? it's really good." she pointed to the 3/4 sandwich on her dish and i shook my head, declining politely.

"no, ma'am."

words has it on the street that she's the meanest person you'll ever meet with a resting bitch face. she treats everybody terribly and goes around killing people. from the few weeks ive been here, she's treated everyone around me and her workers well, never yelling unless she was angry, which was rare.

lorena never got angry unless it's a situation where she's supposed to get angry. she didn't go around snapping and yelling orders at people every turn she made. instead, she was really kind and polite.

i wonder what side of her do people really see.

"are you sure? you can't miss out on this." i shook my head once more, giving her a verbal, 'no, ma'am,' but not before she frowned and shook her head.

"i don't bite, marielle. i insist."

you what now?


how am i to refuse?


i feel like if i say no, i'll be in huge trouble and she'll snap.

look at who was just saying she's kind...

i gave her a small smile and moved towards her. she broke off the sandwich and handed it to me. i took it and bit into it.

holy mother of food.

this was so good!

i won't lie.

she wasn't lying.

my eyes widened as i devoured the cheese sandwich.

"i know right." miss gibbens said, "heaven. i can't believe i made this masterpiece."

"you made this?" i was surprised. she could cook?

"yes, yes. im a great chef, actually."


lorena took a bite of her sandwich and i swallowed everything.

"you're a really good cook, miss gibbens. thank you for the offer."

lorena smiled at me and finished her sandwich. i looked away from her while i let her do her thing, stepping back so she has space. after she finished, she placed the dish in the sink and washed her hands. she cleared her throat and i looked at her.

"so now the reason why i called you here." lorena clasped her hands together, "the ball, sí?"

"sí." i mimicked. lorena chuckled.


"i want you to be my personal server."

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