chap. nine

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"i accept." i said as soon as i entered the office.

miss gibbens looked up at me.

"perfect answer. now where's what it will include and what youll be doing." she said and clasped her hands together and started explaining to me.

"dude, we need a get away." i said as i groaned, "do we get one?"

"yes." hannah replied, "every month all of us get two days off. some workers on this day and some on the others. all can't be off at once." she said, "but you as the personal cleaner, im not so sure."

her room is hell.

it's like she had someone over last night.

there was lingerie over the room, wet sheets, heels over the room, clothes on the floor and a messy place that just screams sex.

i cracked my knuckles and groaned.

"what do you mean you're not so sure?" i whined.

hannah laughed.

"let me guess. you cleaned a sex room?"

i nodded and she laughed once more.

"welcome to hell, babygirl. it has just begun."

i groaned.

"and you should also beware of the girl, beyonce. she's blonde and has really bright blue eyes, tall, big plastic boobs, a nose job and always wears bright lipstick." hannah described as she listed on her fingers.

i nodded, "understood."

"she's a total bitch and she," hannah leaned in closer, "beats on the workers and threatens them. if they tell, she'll get rid of their family." as hannah said 'rid', she swiped her thumb across her throat.

i grimaced.


let's hope i don't crash into her.

"miss gibbens personal server? you? for the ball night?" iris asked and i nodded. she stinks of smoke.

"i was surprised, too, because there's all of y'all and then there's me." i said as i handed her the dirty plates that were stacked on top of each other.

iris laughed.

"don't feel special, honey. you're just a pawn." she said and gave me a look.

"a pawn?"

she hummed to confirm what i asked, "you're gonna be eliminated if you mess up by the end of the night. you're not the first one it has happened to." she said, "there was this worker before you, name's ariel and she got killed on her first night of working for miss gibbens. tragic, really." she shrugged and i swallowed harshly.


let's hope i don't mess up.

id hate to.

i don't want to die.

i still want my grandma.

she's all alone and shes all i have in this world.

i picked my nails as i looked at the beautiful night sky. my legs swung back and forth in the air and i leaned my head on the trunk of the tree.

i was in a tree, sitting down and listening to the calls of nature.

nature is a beautiful thing, honestly.

i hear a nearby wood creak and i looked.

it was victoria.

i smiled at her and she smiled back at me.

"mind if i sit?"

i shook my head and she sat down beside me.

"it's quiet out here." she said after a while, "peaceful."

i hummed.

i was exhausted.

today was so long and drawn out.

i couldn't wait for it to be done.

i needed these days done and over with.

"why are you out here alone?" she asked me.

i shook my head.

"no reason. i just needed some space from the clustered room, you know?" i glanced at her face underneath the moonlight and she smiled softly.

"i know what you mean. there's this spot that i usually go to whenever i need some space and quiet." victoria said, "it's been my place ever since the last 3 years ive been here."

"how'd you find it?" i asked.

"i was crying and running and i saw it. it looked really spooky at first but once i got to know the place, then it wasn't that scary." victoria said and i looked back at the sky.

"i wish everything was as peaceful as it is at night."

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