chap fifty

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i have a new book comingggg. not sure when imma publish my next book on THIS account tho but imma give y'all the description at the end of the chapter.

6 chapters left, pookies!

- two days later -

"i want you to tell me who this girl is."

i looked up at Lorena from her laptop.

i was typing up some emails for her while she laid down in bed.

"the girl you were talking about? that she'd risk it all for you and whatever." she grumbled.

"ohh, you mean laura." my hand flew over my mouth immediately after i said what i said.


lorena looked at me from where she laid down and there was a look in her eyes that i couldn't place my fingers on.

she closed her eyes. "you have 30 minutes to get ready."

"what for?"

"im announcing it today."


"yes. this has been delayed for way too long."

i grimaced and nodded even though she couldn't see me.


"i have the dress in the closet already. its in a black clothing bag and its hung up to your left as soon as you enter. underneath the dress on the ground, you'll see your shoes and beside the shoes, there's a little bag with everything you'll need."

i hummed and saved the draft of the email and closed the laptop.

i went to the laptop and walked to the clsoet.

so this is why she made me shower earlier. could've sworn it was her way of telling me i stink in discreet.


forty minutes later and i was done readying.

im happy that she didn't have a bunch of people doing my makeup and hair and all that for me because i couldn't be bothered with that.

i ran my hand down my waist and turned in the mirror slightly.

the dress was emerald green and a darker shade of green. a sheer design surrounded the top of the dress, coming down to my waist. it's like a butterfly designed corset. the dress extended passed my ankles and onto the floor, pooling around my feet with black, thin sheer material covering it all but it could be hardly spotted.

 the dress extended passed my ankles and onto the floor, pooling around my feet with black, thin sheer material covering it all but it could be hardly spotted

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lorena left a while back.

she told me that it didn't start in thirty minutes but fifty instead. she only said thirty so that i could hurry and get dressed. i did a little squeal.

i look so beautiful.

i wasn't wearing any makeup because why should i?

what even is makeup?

i headed out of the room and at the elevator stood richard. he grinned when he saw me and i returned the wide grin.

"hi, richard!"

"donna." he greeted and i smacked his shoulder gently.

"i told you that you could call me by my name."

"i know." he laughed. "im just testing out the new title on you."

i smiled and we headed inside the elevator. together, we headed towards the first floor where lorena and everyone was.

of course, when we exited the elevator, there was no one to be seen. richard escorted me to the are and as we got closer, i could hear lorena speaking.

i started to get nervous and i wiped my palms on my dress.

"hey, don't be nervous." richard said and we stopped walking. "they'll love you."

"that's not the issue."

"what is?"

"normally, i would read books and then you know, there's some jealous person that wants to challenge me for the donna position by a duel and what if i lose and they get the donna position and what if lorena realizes that im usele-"

"shut up." richard deadpanned. "that isn't going to happen. even if it does and you lose, lorena will always choose you so you don't have to worry about that."

i folded my lips and looked away.

"take deep breaths and lets go."

we entered the scenery from the side so no one sees me, lorena did though and a smile graced her face as she kept speaking.

she's wearing the same color suit just as i am. the suit seemed to be made of silky fabric and jesus- she looks so good.

i could just fuck her on that stage right now, right there.

gold rings were on her index and ring finger, accompanied by a watch and a bracelet on her hand. her hair was let down in its natural straight state and a black clip holding her hair in its place by the side.

"- and with that, i present to you, marielle hollis, my lady and your donna until the day i die." the crowd burst into cheers, clapping and richard nodded at me.

i walked out from where i was, up the three steps and onto the stage. i stood beside lorena and faced the crowd, plastering a fake smile on my face.

i did a wave to the crowd and lorena placed her hand on my waist.

i realize she loves to do that whenever im standing beside her.

to the left of the stage, beyonce and another person stood there. beyonce had a proud smile on her face and that was when the real smile graced my lips.

i was so happy to see her.

i haven't seen her in two, three days and i wont lie but i missed the little fucker.

lorena turned to face me and i did the same.

i kinda know the process.

"repeat the vows after me."

here we go.


i am not writing that out. anyways-


everyone knows of the popular girl to mean and bossy but not her, not mackenzie king. even though she gets what she wants, nobody expected her to get the chick with the dick.


its short ikkkk but here's the thing, its a dom fem.

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