Valentine's Day

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"Before what Malfoy?! Before your father hears about this? Because I don't give a damn about you or your father!"

3rd Harry:

Before he knew she wasn't going to be here, Harry would've been excited for Valentine's day.

Instead, he had to painfully watch all of the couples who hadn't been separated yet by the Inquisitorial Squad.

Those couples should include Hermione and Ron.

They're basically together by now even if they don't know it.

Harry's been stuck as the third wheel even if the other two don't know they're making him a third wheel.

So once classes finally finished, Harry grabbed his bag and was the first one out the door, not waiting for Ron and Hermione.

He planned on going to the spot under the tree by the Black Lake.

But of course, he wouldn't make it there without something stopping him.

"Going on a date with yourself Potter? Or I suppose Granger can fill in for Ivrean. You know, since she-" Draco didn't get to finish his insult because Harry grabbed his collar and pushed him harshly against the nearest wall.

Draco's eyes widened in surprise and pain from hitting his head on the wall so aggressively.

Zambini stood to the side, not helping nor harming.

No other Slytherins were around to jump to Malfoy's aid so he glanced pleadingly at Blasie.

"Shut up! Just shut your pathetic mouth for once! I don't see you running around with any girlfriend." Harry screams in his face.

"You might want to stop before-"

"Before what Malfoy?! Before your father hears about this? Because I don't give a damn about you or your father!"

Draco swallows. "No. Before-"

A squeaky voice interrupts him.

"Before I hear about this. Mister Potter, release Mister Malfoy." Umbridge says in her ear bleeding voice.

Harry looks behind him.


He looks back at Malfoy and gives him a hard death glare before dropping him.

Malfoy bends over and puts a hand to his neck where Harry pushed him to the wall to exaggerate the little to no pain there is there.

He appears to have completely forgotten about his head slamming the wall.

Umbridge smiled wickedly.

"Come Mister Potter. My office." She says cheerily.

This is most likely the highlight of her day.

Harry glares as Malfoy as he picks up his discarded rucksack.

Draco flashes Harry a smirk that Umbridge didn't notice.

Umbridge looked at Harry but didn't move.

She gestured her hand behind her.

"I think you know the way."

Harry speed walks past Umbridge and controls his anger as he heads to the torcher chamber.

Can't even have a holiday without Malfoy ruining it.

How he and Y/n are related...he couldn't tell you anything other than blood.

Though, he was glad Malfoy hadn't called her Black.

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