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Chapter 1: Rebirth in the Last Days

Title: The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last DaysAuthor's Name: Luojia Mushroom Liang Chapter Word Count: 1406Update Time: 2022-12-27 19:53:40

"Hmm... It hurts..."

In the quiet of the night, there was a sudden hoarse murmur.

"You're awake."

Gu Chen heard someone say this, and then his dry lips moistened.

Greedily stuck out his tongue and licked it, but there was no more.

Gu Chen frowned dissatisfiedly and snorted: "Water..."

"Your intestinal wound has not healed now, you can't drink water, bear with it anymore."

An indifferent voice sounded, Gu Chen frowned dissatisfiedly, Nima, he didn't even give him a saliva, and he didn't let people live!

He opened his eyes angrily and moved, but instead of sitting up as he wished, the soreness on his body as if he had been crushed by a heavy object became clearer.


Gu Chen let out a painful sigh and took a breath, and then someone held his arm and sat behind Gu Chen, so that he could half-lean on him and straighten up a little.

I can't exert a little force all over my body, and this feeling is really uncomfortable.

Gu Chen slowed down for a while, and then began to look at the environment he was in.

The first thing that catches his eye is the arrangement that he is very familiar with.

He lived here until he entered the formation of the elite troops.


Gu Chen raised his heavy arm and covered his face.

He remembered, wasn't he already dead, how could he be here?

Thinking of everything before he died, the corners of Gu Chen's mouth hooked up with a wry smile.

Heh, Chen Mo, I owe you already paid off. You once saved my life, and I will give you back.

We, two clear.

However, since the consciousness clearly remembers that he is dead, what is going on now?!

He turned his head carefully, trying to see who was behind him, but as soon as he moved, he became dizzy.

"Don't move."

The cold voice sounded a little familiar, but I couldn't remember where I heard it for a while.

"You... Who is it? Over here...... Be...... Where?

His voice was hoarse and weak, and his words seemed to have been worn by cold and hard grit.

"I'm Leng Su, this is your residence, don't you remember?"

"Leng Su..."


Gu Chen had a faint impression, he remembered him, they belonged to the same regiment before, but they were different squads, he was the captain of an elite squad.

But how could he be here?

"I... What's wrong?

"You've been bitten by a zombie and you've fallen into an ice cave."

A bright light flashed in his mind, but Gu Chen didn't catch it.


"I just passed by and saved you. The doctor said you need to rest.

After saying a few words, Gu Chen's tense mind, which had already wasted a lot of strength, instantly collapsed with Leng Su's words, his consciousness was blurred, and he fell back into a deep sleep.

Before falling asleep, an incredible thought suddenly crossed my mind: he can't be reborn, right?!

"Knock knock."

The wooden door was knocked gently, and Leng Su moved the sleeping Gu Chen gently, carefully placed it on the bed, and covered him with a quilt, and then strode out of the room.

"What's the matter?"

Gu Chen was in a daze when he heard a voice from outside the door, a cold voice, he remembered that it was Leng Su.

"Captain, there is a gap in the southern protective net, and a large number of zombies are rioting. The regimental commander gave the order for you to lead the team to kill and plug the gap.

Leng Su and his cold eyebrows were furrowed, and he glanced in the direction of the room, and then looked back at his subordinates.

"Send someone to guard this place, and if anyone inside is unwell, go to a doctor immediately."


With the sound of footsteps moving away, Gu Chen's only remaining vigilance collapsed and he fell into a complete stupor.

When I woke up again, the room was already lit.

Feeling that his body had regained some strength, Gu Chen held on to the edge of the bed, wanting to sit up.

"You're awake."

A familiar voice came, Gu Chen's body shook for a while, his hands trembled, he couldn't support his body, and fell down again.

This voice, he will never forget when he dies!

"Oh, are you alright?"

Chen Mo was startled, and hurriedly ran over and helped Gu Chen up.

Gu Chen followed his strength, sat up against the head of the bed, and immediately broke free from Chen Mo's arm without a trace.

Chen Mo didn't find any clues, and looked at him with concern: "How do you feel?" Do you want me to call the doctor?

"No need."

After a sweet sleep, Gu Chen's spirit was much better, and he also had the strength to think about all this weirdness now.

He remembered that he had indeed once before, when a zombie suddenly broke through the protective net and entered the base.

During the scuffle, he was forced by several zombies into the protective river on the periphery of the base.

When he was defeated, he was bitten and fell into a moat full of broken ice.

I lost my impression of what happened later, and when I woke up, I saw Chen Mo.

At that time, he thought that it was Chen Mo who saved him, so he wholeheartedly identified Chen Mo, so that he did many stupid things later.

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