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365 School Bag > The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last Days > Chapter 116 Watch Record

Chapter 116: Viewing Log

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The more Gu Chen thought about it, the more he felt coke, and thought to himself, if they said that, if they said this, and their group of people would stand in front of this group of foreign yellow hairs, would this group of yellow hairs such a tall person be regarded as the target of attack and attack them instead?

As soon as he thought of this possibility, Gu Chen couldn't help but laugh and couldn't stop laughing, and he almost didn't even squirt out directly.

Silently covering his mouth and laughing for a while, Gu Chen laughed so much that tears were about to fall out, and then he looked up at Huang Mao.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I made you laugh just now, it's nothing, I just suddenly remembered a joke, you guys continue to lead the way now."

The yellow hair only looked at Gu Chen with some hesitation, and after looking at it for a while, he turned his head and continued to lead the way.

Now it was a little faster, and after walking for about three or four minutes, a one-story building came into view.

But it is clear that this is not a one-story building, as there are some ruins on it that prove that it is a tall building, and that it will be at least a two-story building.

Seeing the location of this so-called conference hall, Gu Chen couldn't help but want to laugh out loud again.

What happened here in the Americas is really weird, and when they were in their own country, it didn't happen at all.

Although they are also trying to fight zombies now, at least there are still a lot of small western-style buildings in their circle that can live in people.

It's not just the small western-style building, it's the large base where Gu Chen and the others were before, and there are even all kinds of large-scale machinery and equipment.

No matter what I read, I usually rely on rote memorization, and I never lose it in my head.

Everyone was already standing in front of the door of the so-called conference room at this time, and at this time, there was a yellow haired person standing on each side of the door of the conference room, and unlike other yellow cats, these two yellow haired bodies looked obviously much stronger.

And the two of them, each of them still has a plane in front of them and a bazooka on their backs.

Gu Chen couldn't help but shake his body when he looked at the posture, and turned his uncertain gaze to Huang Mao.

"What's going on, how do I feel like I'll never be able to get out of your conference room again?"

Huang Mao grinned and showed two rows of snow-white white teeth, almost shaking Gu Chen's eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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