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"Hey, Brother Chen, how did you and the captain find out that there is a hole here? We didn't see it, hey, you're amazing.

After walking for a while, Gu Chen was also a little bored. Just then, someone came up to talk to him, and he couldn't ask for it.

Hearing Xiao Dengzi ask this question, Gu Chen raised his eyebrows and smiled proudly.

"This shows that I am smart and careful!"

Xiao Dengzi smiled "hehe": "You can talk about it."

Gu Chen pretended to clear his throat: "Listen well."


Xiao Dengzi nodded like pounding garlic, and everyone behind him also concentrated and straightened their ears.

"Actually, it's mainly because I'm careful. We were only thinking about how to get to the bottom of the canyon, but we didn't pay attention to the surrounding environment. When we were about to leave, I looked back and I found the clue.

Speaking of this, Gu Chen suddenly stopped abruptly, and there was a big breath, and everyone was anxious to scratch their hearts and livers.

Leng Su connived and clasped Gu Chen's palm, little villain.

Gu Chen continued with a smile: "At that time, I found that there was something strange about this big stone. It's because the side of this stone has some inconspicuous wet marks, and it also has a little dirt.

Xiao Deng Zi looked confused when he heard this, and looked at Gu Chen with blinking eyes and inexplicable.

Gu Chen rolled his eyes silently, and when it came to this, he didn't even understand. This IQ, he also knelt down, okay!

Seeing that Gu Chen didn't speak again, Xiao Dengzi hurriedly urged: "Then what, then what?"

"And then—" Gu Chen pulled a long tone, pretending to look back at Xiao Dengzi mysteriously.


Xiao Dengzi:, don't bring such an appetizing person!

However, although Gu Chen did such an angry thing, Xiao Dengzi didn't dare to do anything to him, so he could only swallow the bitter water silently.

Whoa, it's amazing that someone is covered!

Leng Su glanced back at Gu Chen's snickering little face and sighed dotingly.

"Follow me, the slope is steeper down the road."

Gu Chen nodded obediently, put his hands together, and clenched Leng Su's arm tightly.

I don't know how long I walked through the bottomless passage, and Gu Chen was already tired and panting.

Looking ahead, it was still dark, and I didn't know where this road leads.

When I looked at the road to and fro, there was no light in sight.

Gu Chen was tired and hungry, and he was a little deflated.

"When will this road end, I'm exhausted. Whew..."

Leng Su looked back, and could vaguely see that everyone's faces were already showing fatigue.

"Rest in place for an hour and start eating."


Everyone responded weakly, and they couldn't wait to sit down.

Gu Chen opened his light brain and took a look, and the time on it showed that it was already more than four o'clock in the evening.

Gu Chen vaguely remembered that before they came down before, it seemed to be around nine o'clock in the morning.

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