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Chapter 18: The danger is great

Title: The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last DaysAuthor's Name: Luojia Mushroom Liang Chapter Word Count: 1092Update Time: 2022-12-27 19:53:40

Looking at such a protective coldness, Researcher Li silently swallowed the words on his lips.

Thinking that he is a dignified senior researcher, in the entire large base, and even in the whole world, it is a polite existence, but now he is threatened by a kid, I really want to cry when I think about it.

"I don't know what you are calling Leng Su here today? We're done with our business, so let's go home.

Gu Chen opened his eyes with an indifferent expression. The words he said made Leng Su's heart warm.

Leng Su slowly tightened the palm on Gu Chen's waist, ignoring the fact that Researcher Li was still watching from the side, and lowered his head to kiss gently.

Gu Chen's face was flushed, he coughed unnaturally, pushed away the coldness a little, and sat up, but still snuggled in his arms.

Researcher Li, who was almost blinded by this scene, silently looked inside, should you treat an old man like this.

Show affection, die fast!

Clearing his throat, Researcher Li retracted his expression and walked to the side of the chair and sat down with a heavy face.

"It's a long story. But now, I need Captain Cold's help.

Leng Su's face also became solemn, and he nodded and motioned for Researcher Li to continue.

"Regarding the development of today's antiviral preparations, in fact, this is not the final preparation that can be used, but can only be regarded as the raw materials for the first stage of development."

Gu Chen frowned, no wonder he remembered the time when the preparation of the previous life appeared in this life, much later than this life.

"And I asked Captain Leng to come over today because we found a place on the detector where there are still animals active and have not been infected by the virus to cause mutations. After detection, it was found that the virus had spread in the first place, but the animals there were not infected at all.

If we can find the animals there and bring them back for study, we may be able to thoroughly study how to prevent or suppress the virus. But we sent a few teams of people to the place, and we wanted to bring back some animals from that place and come back to study them..."

Speaking of this, Researcher Li's expression became even more ugly.

Leng Su's eyes were cold: "No one has come back."

Researcher Li nodded silently and laughed at himself: "We underestimated the danger there, and there were a total of three batches of intermediate abilities there, twenty-four people, and none of them survived.

For a moment, the room fell silent.

In fact, in the last days, people die every day, and it is not surprising that a group of people die.

The key is that this group of people is a group of people who go out from the base, and they often go out to do tasks, and they are strong and capable. Not to mention the existence of being experienced in a hundred battles, at least even if it encounters a zombie tide, it will not die easily.

What's more, three groups of people went in a row, and there were twenty-four intermediate-level abilities, and none of them survived.

The room was so quiet that even a needle could be heard falling on the ground, and in the end, it was Gu Chen who took the lead in breaking the silence.

"So you want Leng Su to take someone there?"

Researcher Li regained some of his expression: "The mid-level abilities are all broken, and we can only rely on the high-level abilities." So I want to ask Captain Leng to help me go.

Gu Chen frowned: "There is danger, and the danger is very great."

Leng Su's heart softened, the corners of his lips hooked slightly, and he rubbed Gu Chen's soft hair.

Looking up at Researcher Li's gaze, his eyes were cold, and his expression was heavy: "What does the mission need to bring?"

Is this what it means to say yes?

Researcher Li breathed a sigh of relief, and then became ecstatic.

In the last days, there are countless bases for human gatherings like theirs.

And this base where they are located is the largest base in China. Leng Su is the existence with the highest force value in this large base.

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