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365 School Bag > The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last Days > Chapter 11 Get along well





Chapter 11: Have a good time

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Gu Chen was taken aback,, you can hear this, this is not scientific!

Gu Chen immediately crawled to the end of the bed, but he didn't expect Leng Su's movements to be faster, and he stepped to the side of the bed with an arrow step, grabbed Gu Chen's ankle, and pulled the person in front of him.

"What did Chenchen just say about me? Well?

Gu Chen was about to cry, and immediately begged for mercy: "You heard it wrong, I didn't say anything just now!" It's true, you trust me!

Leng Su raised his eyebrows: "Nothing?"

Gu Chen looked at him pitifully: "Nothing, I swear!"

Leng Su chuckled: "But I heard it."

Gu Chen: Then what are you bothering to talk about, do you want to tease me?!

Leng Su looked at Gu Chen's face with shame, his throat tightened, he lowered his head and kissed him fiercely, and then stood up.

"I'll go get you food, and wait for me here."

Gu Chen snorted, his face was flushed, his eyes fluttered around, he just didn't look at Leng Su.

Leng Su looked at Gu Chen's awkward appearance, chuckled, rubbed Gu Chen's head, and walked out of the room.

Listening to the footsteps getting farther and farther away, and making sure that Leng Su had gone away, Gu Chen snorted and plunged into the quilt, pouting his ass and arching in the quilt.

Emma, so shy, her heart is beating so fast!

Leng Su soon returned, bringing a pot of potatoes and sweet potatoes and other foods.

As soon as Gu Chen saw these things, his face turned green, as if he was eating meat.

Leng Su put the food aside, took out a folding table from the storage bag, put it on the bed, and put the food on the table to signal Gu Chen to eat.

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365 School Bag > The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last Days > Chapter 11 Get along well





Chapter 11: Have a good time

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Then he took out a brand-new storage bag from his arms and handed it to Gu Chen: "Bring this with you."

Gu Chen was stunned for a moment, looked up at Leng Su, and looked moved.

Gu Chen's storage bag was lost during the melee, because he had always been used to being independent, so he thought about continuing to fight zombies in the future, collected enough spars, and then went to exchange the space storage bag with the spatial ability.

This kind of space storage bag is actually the space that the space ability uses to seal with spiritual power in an ordinary small storage bag.

Because the space ability is weak in combat power, in order to be able to have enough hedron in exchange for food and other things, this kind of storage bag was invented.

It can be used to store things, and there is a lot of space, but the appearance is a small thing, and it does not take up space on the body, which is very convenient.

When I was with Chen Mo in my last life... No, it can't be said to be together.

Gu Chen pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled self-deprecatingly, it should be regarded as his unilateral pestering of Chen Mo, Chen Mo just didn't refuse.

At that time, he always stood in front of Chen Mo, helped Chen Mo deal with various things, and even took care of Chen Mo's food, clothing, housing and transportation.

There was once a time when Chen Mo's space storage bag was lost, and Gu Chen's spars were all exchanged for food, and there was not much left.

So Gu Chen took advantage of the darkness at night when everyone was resting, sneaked out of the protective net, and came back with an injury in the early morning.

He didn't want Chen Mo to know that he was injured, so he simply treated the wound, so he took the spar to ask for a space ability who was very famous at that time.

The space storage bag created by that space powerhouse is not only nearly twice as large as an ordinary space storage bag, but also has a stable space.

By the time Gu Chen returned with the space storage bag, it was already evening.

He disappeared all day, but he didn't attract Chen Mo's attention.

When he took the storage bag and gave it to Chen Mo like a treasure, Chen Mo just picked it up and looked at it, and then threw it aside.

Thinking of the space storage bag he sent out when he saw it on someone else later, Gu Chen hooked the corners of his mouth self-deprecatingly.

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