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Chapter 19 Safety is paramount

Title: The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last DaysAuthor's Name: Luojia Mushroom Liang Chapter Word Count: 1056Update Time: 2022-12-27 19:53:40

Suffice it to say, if this task can't be done, then no one will be able to complete it.

Gu Chen frowned and stared at Leng Su with some concern.

Leng Su's eyebrows were gentle, and he raised his hand to rub Gu Chen's soft hair, and the corners of his mouth hooked a shallow arc.

"I'm going too."

Gu Chen's tone was cold and firm, and the hand that was placed on his head coldly paused, his fingers slid down his cheeks, and pinched the tip of his nose.

"Well, you're not well yet, wait for me at home, I'll be back soon."

With a light smile in his voice, Leng Su carefully comforted this person who was put in his heart.

"I, to, go."

Gu Chen's eyes stared at Leng Su's eyes, word by word, stubbornly cute.

Leng Su sighed and found that he was finished. As long as it is against Gu Chen, he can't take anything he insists on.

Thinking in his heart, Leng Su was not polite in his hand, and twisted Gu Chen's nose.

As soon as Gu Chen slapped his hand away, the tip of his nose immediately turned red, sore and sore, and the corners of his eyes were also red.

A pair of big eyes were covered with a layer of mist, staring at him wet and accusatory, and Leng Su almost gnawed on it one by one.

Raising his hand to cover Gu Chen's eyes, Leng Su sighed again.

Since he met this little guy, he has sighed more times in the past few days than he had in the previous decades combined.

"Okay, okay, let you go. But you have to follow me all the time, and you can't leave me. If you can't do it, I won't take you there.

When Gu Chen heard this, he pulled down his cold hand, like a chicken pecking rice, and nodded desperately. A pair of big eyes flickered, and the cold heart of the look was itchy.


A very discordant voice sounded, violently destroying the warm atmosphere.

Gu Chen gritted his teeth, this old man, can't he see others getting close to him in front of him.

Breaking the hard-won warm atmosphere every time is really- it's like throwing him out to feed the zombies!

Seeing that Gu Chen was about to blow up his hair, Leng Su chuckled, touched Gu Chen's back with his fingers, and patted it gently.

Gu Chen snorted, and a layer of mist appeared in his big eyes again.

A red cloud crawled on his cheeks, and he fell directly into Leng Su's arms, completely obedient.

Leng Su raised his eyebrows in satisfaction, this was a weakness of Gu Chen that he had inadvertently discovered before.

Researcher Li, who was so ignored by two people on the side, covered his face silently, these two people are really too lawless!

"You continue."

Researcher Li wiped his face, and it was finally his turn to speak, it was not easy.

"The content of this mission is that you need to go into the hinterland of the unpolluted area and capture three or more different species of animals that are not infected by the virus.

And collect five or more, different kinds of plants that do not mutate. That's all there is to it, but it's all about your own safety.

Even if we can't get things back, let's find a way, people, we must come back.

Researcher Li had a straight face and a solemn tone.

Leng Su nodded expressionlessly, signaling that he understood.

"Okay, after the matter is explained, I should also withdraw, don't disturb you two Qingqing and me, it's really crooked, I'm blind."

After explaining the matter, Researcher Li's tone also relaxed, and he began to joke about the two of them.

Leng Su still had a paralyzed face, and when he joked, he only glanced at him lightly.

Gu Chen arched in Leng Su's arms, revealing his two eyes, looking at Researcher Li with a smug look in his eyes.

Researcher Li was angry and funny, pointed at Gu Chen and scolded with a smile: "Stinky boy!

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