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Chapter 4: Moving too fast

Title: The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last DaysAuthor's Name: Luojia Mushroom Liang Chapter Word Count: 1321Update Time: 2022-12-27 19:53:40

As soon as the words fell, Gu Chen almost bit his tongue.

Leng Su nodded expressionlessly: "Okay."

Gu Chen:

Leng Su sat down on the bed with kindness, close to Gu Chen's position.

What's going on?!

Gu Chen looked at a face close at hand, and the whole person was confused.

Although he was thinking about bringing down Leng Su, he didn't expect the pace to be so fast!

And he has a kind of coldness and sends himself to the door, and Ren is flirting with the feeling that it is swollen?!

Gu Chen swallowed dryly, feeling that the atmosphere around him was instantly ambiguous.


Gu Chen couldn't stand such an embarrassing atmosphere at first, and broke the silence.

Leng Su looked at him expressionlessly with a paralyzed face. Only those eyes, sparkling in the night.

"Uh... I don't think I have officially said thank you yet. Thank you for saving me.

"It's a gesture."

"Well, it may be just a gesture for you, but for me, it means a lot."

At least let me know that it wasn't the person who saved me in the first place, and I can stay away without worrying about it.

Leng Su's eyebrows twisted, I don't know why, although Gu Chen's expression did not change, he clearly felt the downturn in his mood.

"Ho." Gu Chen took a breath and joked in a relaxed tone: "Don't thank you for your kindness, I don't have anything to repay you, why don't I give permission with my appearance?"


was so crisp and neat, but it suppressed Gu Chen.

Gu Chen looked at Leng Su dumbfounded, and for a moment wondered if he was having auditory hallucinations.

A pair of large bright eyes were misty, and the diamond-shaped mouth was slightly open, as if invited, staring at him without blinking.

As everyone knows, his appearance is similar to temptation in Leng Su's eyes.

Leng Su's eyes darkened, and he pursued his heart, and lowered his head and swallowed the two pieces of softness.

it! What's going on!

Gu Chen's brain operating system was completely struck, and there was chaos in his mind.

In just an instant, Leng Su let go of him, and his eyes met Gu Chen's eyes.

"Remember, you're my man from now on."

"It's too late, rest, I'll take you to the army tomorrow."

When the cold voice reached Gu Chen's ears, it all became a buzzing sound, and he still looked sluggish.

Leng Su didn't mean to wait for him to answer, he directly threw off his coat, hugged Gu Chen in his arms, and lay down to sleep.

Gu Chen's whole person was petrified.

it, will this development speed be too fast! The baby can't accept it!

Leng Su pressed the stiff Gu Chen in his arms, buried his head in Gu Chen's shoulder socket, took a deep breath, and raised the corners of his mouth with satisfaction.

I don't know how long I was sluggish, Gu Chen finally couldn't hold back the surging sleepiness, and temporarily obediently nestled in Leng Su's arms and fell asleep.

Well, it's warm, much more comfortable than when you sleep alone.

There was peace in the empty room, the windows that were not blocked by glass were wide open, and the warm morning sunlight shone through the windows, shining on the two sleeping people.

The bulging mass under the quilt squirmed a few times, and in an instant it regained its calm.

Gu Chen opened his eyes in a daze, and felt that an arm was tightly bound around his waist, making him unable to move, so that he didn't react for a while.

Leng Shu's eyes were closed, and his slender eyelashes cast a fan-shaped shadow on his cheeks under the reflection of the sun.

In fact, as early as when Gu Chen just moved, Leng Su had already woken up. But because I'm too greedy for this kind of peace, I don't want to break it, so I've been pretending to sleep.

Sensing that the eyes of the person in his arms stayed on his face, Leng Shu's eyelashes blinked slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes.

At the moment when Leng Su just opened his eyes, he keenly sensed that a gust of wind was coming.

Leng Su reflexively stretched out his palm to block it, and accurately held Gu Chen's sneak attack fist in the palm of his palm.

Leng Su frowned, ignored Gu Chen's struggles, and pressed his whole body into his arms.

"Don't make a fuss."

Gu Chen didn't speak, but struggled more and more. Gu Chen still had injuries on his body, and Leng Su's subordinates didn't dare to use too much force, and one of them was not careful, and Gu Chen broke free.

With a muffled sound, by the time Leng Su reacted, the whole person was already on the ground.

Leng Su narrowed his eyes and looked at Gu Chen, who was sitting at the head of the bed.

Gu Chen raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, his eyes gradually cleared, and he was startled when he saw Leng Su sitting on the ground, staring at him with an unkind face.

"How are you on the ground?!"

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