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365 School Bag > The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last Days > Chapter 71 I am not weak





Chapter 71: I Am Not Weak

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The big man nodded: "Thank you, it's enough to cook so much more."

Little Dengzi: Okay.

Gu Chen was speechless: "Big man, how long have you not eaten, why are you so hungry?" And that team member, how did you carry it back and see that he didn't have any wounds on his body?

The big man, who had recovered some of his energy because of the food in his stomach, heard Gu Chen's question, and looked up at Gu Chen and Leng Su.

"We hadn't eaten for two or three days, and when we woke up, we found ourselves thrown into a strange place, just the two of us, and there wasn't any food there.

And the two of us don't know if we have been injected with any medicine, we are so weak that we can almost breathe after walking a few steps. His physique was a little weaker than mine, he couldn't muster up a little strength, and he fainted after being hungry for so long, so I had to carry him on my back.

Leng Su frowned: "So when you wake up." There's no one else left around?

The big man nodded: "That's right, when the two of us woke up, there was no one else around but the two of us."

Leng Su nodded: "How far is the place where you woke up from here?"

The big man recalled: "Actually, it's not very far, if it is a normal walk, it only takes half a day, but the two of us are weak and can't stand steadily after walking a few steps, so we were delayed for nearly two days before we walked here and were discovered by you."

Leng Su squinted his eyes: "It's been nearly four days since you disappeared, so you may still have a day in the past."

The big man scratched his head: "I don't know, in the past two days, because of the weakness of the body, even the brain has been turning slowly, and there are many things, and I will have a headache when I think about it."

Leng Su asked Xiao Dengzi to check the big man, and the test result was that there were no external injuries, and there was nothing else except fatigue.

Soon Xiao Dengzi's porridge boiled a small pot again.

The big man refused to let Xiao Deng Zi come out this time, and directly hugged the pot and ate it.

Everyone silently watched the big man eat, until the big man solved a pot of porridge again, and Leng Su continued to ask.

"Do you still have an impression of what happened during your previous vigil?"

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