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Chapter 2: Knock down the plan

Title: The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last DaysAuthor's Name: Luojia Mushroom Liang Chapter Word Count: 1382Update Time: 2022-12-27 19:53:40

But now that I think about it, he was really naïve.

When you wake up after being injured and the person you see at first sight doesn't mean you're the one who saved him, does it?

I think it's because he woke up early this time, so he clearly knows that it was Leng Su who saved him.

Gu Chen curled the corners of his lips self-deprecatingly, he was really stupid, he didn't find any suspicions at the beginning.

Thinking about it now, Chen Mo was assigned the task of guarding the safety of all researchers in the research institute at that time.

It was deep in the base, how could it be possible to rush to the outer moat in a short time and rescue him?

At that time, he was ordered to lead the team to kill zombies, and the activities on the periphery were actually cold.

It's just a pity that he was fascinated by Chen Mo's hypocritical face, and he believed him so desperately.

Chen Mo watched the expression on Gu Chen's face change, and spoke with some hesitation.

"You... What's wrong?

A dark color flashed in Gu Chen's eyes: "Why am I here?" Did you save me?

Chen Mo hesitated for a moment, the light in his eyes was clearly extinguished, and finally spoke: "It's just a convenient effort, you don't have to take it to heart." You're hungry, I'll help you get some food.

After speaking, Chen Mo didn't dare to look at Gu Chen, so he hurriedly ran out.

Gu Chen looked at Chen Mo's back and sneered coldly.

At the beginning, it was still this question, and it was still this answer. Thinking about it now, I only feel that I was hopelessly stupid at that time.

Chen Mo ran out all the way and ran for a long distance before slowing down.

Scratching his hair in frustration, he didn't know what was wrong with him. When Gu Chen looked at him with those clear eyes, he actually acquiesced.

There was a faint uneasiness in his heart, but those eyes made him tremble, thinking of someone who especially liked to be coquettish with him and relied on him.

Gu Chen slowly condensed, closed his eyes and felt the aura in his body.

His healing and regenerative abilities were awakened after this catastrophe.

Qi sank into the dantian, and the divine consciousness slowly patrolled the body for a week, and sure enough, he felt the deep aura hidden in the meridians.

This healing and regenerative ability enables other people's injuries, whether internal or external, to heal immediately.

However, there is a fatal drawback, that is, according to the injury of the person rescued, the aura output is also different.

Once the aura is exhausted, a recovery period of at least three days is required. And during these three days, his ability to attack will also be lost.

Therefore, this ability, Gu Chen had been hiding it very well in his previous life, and he had not shown it in front of Chen Mo until the final time when his heart died.

Thinking of the situation that day, Gu Chen felt another throbbing pain in his heart.

Since God didn't cheat him this time and gave him a chance to be reborn, he has to live as a human being.

I can't remember how old I was, but the world, which was originally quite harmonious, suddenly became ravaging with a virus, and unprepared humans were caught off guard.

Zombies modified by the virus appeared all over the world.

Humanity is in danger of extinction.

The General Administration of International Affairs issued a statement that this crisis was created by some people with wolf ambitions, and it was a major test for mankind.

While cursing those people for not being able to die well, humanity around the world has put aside their grievances and united to face this crisis.

These zombies are not afraid of guns and cannons, and are almost crushing the situation. Until only about one-third of the human beings were wiped out, some of the hidden spiritual roots in the human body awakened and stimulated spiritual power.

At present, there are eight kinds of spiritual power possessed by human beings: metal, wood, water, fire, earth, thunder, wind, and space.

Awakened abilities generally activate one ability, which is already above ordinary people. Those who inspire two or more at the same time are already classified as geniuses.

Well, Leng Su saved him, according to the memories of the previous life, Leng Su is strictly speaking, it is really good.

In addition to being a little colder, talking a little less, and being paralyzed... Others are pretty good.

Why don't you throw down the cold?

Well, Gu Chen touched his chin and felt that this idea was feasible.

Leng Su looks like a talent, and he is capable, and his boyfriend is full of strength. And most importantly, Leng Su is a three-spirit root powerhouse!

Although Gu Chen can also be regarded as a three-spirit root ability, he has a hidden healing and regeneration ability. But Gu Chen's this was an accident, but Leng Su was inspired at the same time.

Leng Su's three spirit root abilities are: Thunder Root, Gold Spirit Root, and Fire Spirit Root.

Gu Chen's three spiritual roots are: water spirit root, wind spirit root, healing and regeneration spirit root.

How good, the two of them can complement each other just together!

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