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Chapter 40: It's Easy to Deceive (1 / 2)

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Following them, I always felt that the tall and mighty image of the captain in my heart was constantly collapsing all the time.

It's better to keep a little distance, then he can still make himself believe that the captain is still the original, the one with superior ability.

In short, the current scoundrel is not the captain of the facial paralysis he knows!

The people walked for a long time, and they never stopped to rest in between, and they kept hurrying.

Finally, when it was slightly dark, I returned to the top of the canyon and found the car.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then took a temporary break by the canyon to make a fire and cook.

The team members picked up some firewood, raised the fire, set up a pot, and then turned their eyes to Leng Su.

Obviously, since the last time Leng Su cooked food, everyone saw his craftsmanship, and it was simply amazing.

Gu Chen was also looking at Leng Su, his eyes were shining, and his big watery eyes were staring at Leng Su, like he was expecting a puppy to be fed by his owner.

Leng Su sighed and couldn't help but rub Gu Chen's hair.

Gu Chen winked at him pitifully, and Leng Su stood up, walked to the fire and sat down.

Everyone immediately happily gave up their place to Leng Su, and Xiao Deng Zi also moved briskly, took out all the ingredients, and put them in Leng Su's hand.

Gu Chen also leaned over and sat next to Leng Su, watching him prepare the ingredients.

Leng Su's movements are very organized, calm, and seem to have a pleasing feeling.

Soon, a smell of aroma poured out of the tumbling pot.

Gu Chen shrugged his nose, and the harazi was about to flow out.

Emma, it smells so good!

Leng Su threw a few more pieces of mushrooms into the pot, and the aroma in the air became even stronger.

Gu Chen leaned over to the pot and looked at Leng Su pitifully.

"Can I eat it, I'm so hungry."

Leng Su used a spoon to stir the ingredients in the pot: "Good, it's almost ready, wait."

Gu Chen swallowed his saliva, feeling that this feeling of not being able to eat was really bad.

At this time, all the team members had already gathered around.

As soon as Gu Chen raised his head, he saw people surrounded by people with green eyes shining.

Leng Su didn't seem to see their reaction, still stirring the contents of the pot unhurriedly.

After a while, Leng Su took out a piece of meat from the pot and looked at it, as if judging whether it was cooked or not.

Turning his eyes, he glanced at Gu Chen, who was staring at the meat, and chuckled.

handed over the meat on the chopsticks, and deliberately looked serious: "Come, have you tasted it?"

Gu Chen also nodded with a straight face: "Well, I'll taste it for you."

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