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Chapter 6: Scared the baby to death

Title: The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last DaysAuthor's Name: Luojia Mushroom Liang Chapter Word Count: 1065Update Time: 2022-12-27 19:53:40

Chen Mo's face sank again, looking at Leng Su's arm across Gu Chen's waist, he felt extremely dazzling, and he couldn't wait to rush up and cut it down now.

After quickly calculating the possibility in his heart, and comparing the combat effectiveness between himself and Leng Su, Chen was silent.

Looking up at Gu Chen's reaction, he found that he didn't have a look of resistance, and Chen Mo felt even tighter in his chest.

"Ah, almost."

Gu Chen's expression was calm, looking at the man with a warm face in front of him, he really couldn't connect him with the ruthless person in his previous life.

"Then you..."

Chen Mo hesitated for a moment, and under the huge pressure from Leng Su, he still opened his mouth to ask at the fastest speed.

"Do you want to join my squad? I can apply directly to my superiors, so that you can enter directly without participating in the selection.

As soon as Chen Mo finished saying this, Gu Chen obviously felt that the big hand on his waist tightened suddenly, and a cold air suddenly came from behind him.

Gu Chen silently rolled his eyes at the sky, damn it, I'm a wounded! Don't you want to use so much force!

Gu Chen smiled and refused: "Thank you for your kindness, but don't worry, I have already promised to go with Leng Su."

As soon as the words fell, the arm on his waist immediately loosened a little, and the cold air released disappeared without a trace.

Gu Chen silently stretched out his hand and twisted it fiercely on Leng Su's waist.


Gu Chen gasped: "It's okay, what are you doing with such a hard meat!"

Gu Chen held his fingers and silently looked inside.

Don't admit it to killing him, in fact, he is jealous, Leng Su's figure is so good! There is no trace of fat on the waist, not to mention, it is as hard as an iron plate.

Leng Su took his hand and looked at it, but his fingertips were a little red.

"Don't pinch it in the future, what should you do if you're tired, if you want to get angry, just bite it directly."

Gu Chen: Do you want to be so slippery in this love talk?! Suddenly so shy and swollen...

In order to hide his slightly red face, Gu Chen snorted and threw Leng Su the back of his head arrogantly.

After turning around, Gu Chen remembered that there was a big light bulb at the door!

Chen Mo watched the interaction between the two people, and inexplicably felt very dazzling. I felt palpitations in my heart, feeling like something that belonged to me, but it was snatched away by someone else.

This feeling is very inexplicable, Chen Mo stroked his heart, feeling empty in his heart.

Reluctantly smiled at Gu Chen: "Since that's the case, forget it." I still have something to do, so I'll go back first. If you have anything in the future, please feel free to ask me for help.

Before the words fell, Leng Su had already said coldly: "My people, I will naturally protect them, so you don't have to worry about it."

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, a touch of silence crossed his eyes, and he left without saying anything more.

Gu Chen turned his head, Xingyan looked at Leng Su with a look of adoration, and almost didn't applaud.

"It's so domineering, I like it!"

Leng Su raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and accepted Gu Chen's praise without any subtlety.

Leng Su took Gu Chen to the stationing place of his team, and under the terrifying eyes of the subordinates in the team, he took Gu Chen into his room.

, when did Leng Su become so approachable? Not only did he lead it personally, but he actually brought people into his room?!

A small and thin man looked frightened, and stretched out a finger tremblingly and poked the person next to him: "Am I hallucinating..."

The person next to him didn't react for a long time, and the little one glanced at him, only to find that he was sluggish.

"Good boy, is this the end of the world coming..."

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